A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • bonday with terai!

    hurrraaaay for my jumpshot! well, there’s more but i either looked like i was falling from a cliff or was pushed by some imaginary force from behind. either way, they looked crappy so i’m saving them for multiply sometime this week. hehehe terai doesn’t want her jumpshots published but i will… soon. haha that was…

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  • right

    i was wondering how people would react to it, but i end up unconscious about it… like i don’t care what they think. everything comes naturally, so what is there to suspect? and though i sometimes wonder if we really give that impression, i can’t put my finger on it, i have a lot of…

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  • maybe it’s love, maybe it’s something else. either way, it remains a very special feeling. something i’ve never felt before. something that lingers every single day. whether i’ll wait or give up isn’t a necessary decision to make, either way, he’ll never know. he’s not aware how well he breaks my heart.—-reading romance novels make…

  • everything worth waiting is worth having

    but you know it gets really frustrating at times. i feel like i’m lagging too far behind my generation now. whenever my friends talk about it, i just keep wondering to myself. what do i lack to merit some sort of admiration? then i end up not caring, since i wouldn’t be able to do…

    Read more: everything worth waiting is worth having
  • 🙂

    grrr. i should remind myself not to put too much effort on design if i’m working under time pressure lest my code gets really messed up. our php midterms awhile ago was… ewan… fail? i’m pretty sure i’ll fail that part. maaaan, that was an exam! and i left my usb, which sucked big time…

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  • fallacy


    aaaaahhh ok. sometimes people let suffering penetrate their lives because it’s the only thing that keeps them company when no one else is there. they blindly and desperately grasp anything within reach, and hold on, like their lives depend on it…even though it is painful, even if they know it will kill them in the…

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