A very personal blog

my grades aren't so bad =)

at least that’s what i can say. i’m not very hard to please… as long as i don’t have a line of 7… i’m contented. =)
my lowest is still pinoy.. 81.
my highest is prosec… 96. i can’t believe it either… although it’s a minor subject i still can’t get over the fact that i didn’t pass 2 reflection papers and i got 96! thank you Lord!
oh well i have to improve 4 subjects: pinoi, english, accounting and teenstar. haha… i failed the teenstar test… it’s not really helping me. our teacher is not very convincing…

i computed my averages:
major: 88
minor: 89
all: 88

hmm… not bad. =)

oh well… i want to try the peppermint mocha frappe… =)