A very personal blog

Tag: dailyprompt

  • Do you remember life before the internet?

    I spent some of my childhood years without the internet. On weekdays after school, when I’m done with homework, my sister and I usually camp at the living room to wait for our favorite animes. I remember watching Fushigi Yuugi, Gatekeepers, Boys Be, Eto Rangers, and Samurai X. My favorite channel then was AXN because…

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  • Hey Monday

    Hey Monday

    Oh I get nervous a lot for various reasons. But there’s one thing that always gets me nervous and that’s answering calls from grab food lol. I never want to take calls from them because I’m afraid they’ll tell me they can’t meet in the lobby or that they’ve been waiting for too long. Most…

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  • Life lately: Burgers and milkshakes

    Oh you mean the ability to work from home? Fantastic, and quite frankly long overdue. But the mandatory masking in some places like the hospital, I find unnecessary at this point. ↪ Burgers and milkshake night We had burgers and milkshake yesterday. It was a great dinner. Some things are just better made at home…

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  • Oof

    I don’t know if a lozenge counts as a candy but my favorite one is Fisherman’s Friend Original. Something’s wrong with my automation. There’s a missing step we forgot to put in the stored procedure that made the automation incomplete. And it’s already in production for what, two months now? T_T Oh my gosh. I…

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  • Annoying horizonal scrollbar

    Been trying to fix the comment section on my blog after discovering that it’s causing a wide white space causing a horizontal scrollbar to show. Disabling the comment section removes the white space (that’s how I discovered it) but I need my comments section so I’m still trying to figure it out. I tried replacing…

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  • Today: How do you manage screen time for yourself?

    Oh I don’t. And I need help. Last night, I promised to sleep as soon as I got in bed. Unfortunately, I found myself doom scrolling right after I set my morning alarms, next thing I know an hour as passed and my head is starting to hurt. And yet I couldn’t stop scrolling. Later…

    Read more: Today: How do you manage screen time for yourself?