A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • congrats mommy! >:D

    yeyyy! congrats mommy! the insurance and investment sales industry is a tough business, but every year you prove us wrong and make us proud. here’s to your being a lifetime MDRT (million dollar round table) qualifier! thank you for introducing us to the world of financial planning (chauce!), i know one day our policies will pay…

    Read more: congrats mommy! >:D
  • Live Your Style with adidas NEO

    if we’re talking about personality expression through fashion, you’re in the wrong site! if anything, i’m on the far end of the world when it comes to dressing up. i’d say i’m less of the show off and more of the functional dresser. less blings, more pockets. backpacks over totes. jeans over dresses. and definitely…

    Read more: Live Your Style with adidas NEO
  • tutor power!

    if you are concerned about your child’s academic performance getting a bit haywire because of a lot of distractions like video games, internet and TV, you might want to consider hiring a tutor to help your precious one cope. A lot of kids nowadays couldn’t stay focused on one thing specially after school is over.…

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  • practicing good citizenry

    any good citizen would not waver with his national responsibility to pay his taxes accordingly. i never really cared about taxes even when i started working. that’s until i was deducted a relatively BIG amount, then i researched. apparently, tax deductions depend on the salary range you received for a particular cutoff. basically, the higher…

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  • Red Cross Million Volunteer Run 2

    February 10, 20135K run to Quirino Grandstand heeeyyy it’s my first time to join a fun run! and i did it because it was cheap hahaha you’ll hardly get a cheap run like this (at least for ‘the’ runners hehe). it was fun! mainly because i’m with my friends so there’s the free transpo, the…

    Read more: Red Cross Million Volunteer Run 2
  • pending blog posts

    why do i feel like i'm missing a lot here now? i miss not having a hold on my thoughts. you know, thinking of something and blogging asap about it. i'm a forgetful person and my blog has served me well as a remembrall of the many emotions and ideas i have spontaneously dumped over…

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