A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • hi blog

    hooray for yet another new layout! gaaaah i spent so much time working on this! quitting the slideshow for good (deym page load!). i initially wanted to install a nivo slider up there, in fact i’ve found some pretty neat layouts from BTemplates pero ewan, nabobo ata ako at wala akong na-achieve sa page-edit edit.…

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  • Personality Tests

    true on bold. http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You…

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  • Transform yourself with Schick

    If you had the powers of MAN OF STEEL for one (1) week, how would you use it? looking up on google, we have:flight, invulnerability, superhuman strength, superhuman speed, super vision, super-hearing, super breath (including freeze breath), eidetic (whut?) memory, longevity, super olfaction (whut??), enhanced lung capacity, telekinesis, etc. (thanks wiki!) but in the movie,…

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  • dream summer trip #1

    my family isn’t the adventurous type. di talaga namin peg mag-outing outing siguro dahil na rin sa my parents are both too busy on their work and they can’t afford to be away from the metro for long. me and my sister are too maarte and kuripot na we’d rather go to the mall and…

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  • TBB summer party!

    with Trobang BB (aka college friends!) May 18, 2013 @ Private Pool sa may Luzon, QC (www.privatepool.net) this is so far my favorite summer outing of the year! well, mainly because i haven’t really gotten around the beaches hehe since the sun hit it up high. good thing i found out about this private swimming…

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  • Kettle Korn: Poppin’ Fun All The Time!

    if you were to star in your own movie, what would your story be? that’s a question that made me recall all of the many many stories i’ve plotted in my head before back when my mind was still full of imagination hahaha. if i were to star in my own movie, i wouldn’t turn…

    Read more: Kettle Korn: Poppin’ Fun All The Time!