A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • sigh

    whew… ello… mali pla ako.. i checked my notes.. i’m not an ‘ extrovert’… i’m an ‘introvert’!!! ^_^   wokie.. case cleared… next topic:   If melodia is my net counter-part and she-who-must-be-named-after-some-time-of-hard-thinking is my lonely ego… and arianne holds the two of them together… then……   Adrian is my male counterpart!!! yipeee!!! haha.. newy…

    Read more: sigh
  • can't get a free time…

    hello me!!! of course.. cno pa bng babatiin ko!!! heheh… melodia {my net ego): oi arianne.. how’re you feeling? fine? make sure you do.. coz i have a great news for you! and i’m sure you won’t want to miss this too! you know harry potter 2? oh yeah of course that’s not soo new……

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  • urrghhh…

    haayy… tiring day it is.. i’ve been telling that for a couple of posts right? eh tiring naman tlga eh.. and i’m really happy still.. coz i’m reading harry potter 4 -goblet of fire… at the same time i’m feeling a lil sad.. haha 3 wks 16 chappies… eh.. sensha na. i read only small…

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  • all worn out

    whew.. what a tiring day! -.-..this week.. as expected more tasks are to be done.. i’m not even halfway!!! grrr… super daming assignments!! and as i said before.. my only inspiration is Harry Potter!! why did i suddenly became addicted to it? when last year i’m so clueless of that sci fi thing? was it?…

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  • panic time

    LoL… i not being responsible with my schoolworks… first off.. i forgot to put my geom assignment in a bond paper where it was supposed to be… second… i was way to busy to remember that today is the deadline of the advanced assignment our social studies teacher gave us… i’m soo disappointed with myself!…

    Read more: panic time
  • project insanity

    not a minute from now i’m going insane on researching about different asian tribes.. the one that you can consider to stand out from other tribes and the one that is still living.. up to now. can you help me? not only that.. this really annoying computer assignment makes me check for other search engines…

    Read more: project insanity