A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • new layout!

    not this… i mean i uploaded a new layout on blogskins: it’s entitled ‘playing the fields’ cehck it out together with my other layouts —> HERE!! hope you like it.. hehe… ^^;;

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    the typhoon yoyong and winnie did make a big amount of destruction in our country, many people died, many lost their homes, many are yet missing, in short… many are suffering. the good thing is, this helluva freaking storm called all the Filipino’s attention worldwide and asked them for donations of any kind… hmph.. at…

    Read more: PANGULO o PANG-GULO?
  • monday-ness

    can’t think of a title… haha baliw.. LoL.. wala.. speechless.. uhm.. wait.. di pla.. so there you go.. further rantings of my semi exciting/boring life of mine… blog time nnman… hope i made sense haa… ok straight to the point… inaabngan ko ung ‘spirits’ LoL.. john wayneeee! hihi…LoL.. feel ko maganda… i mean.. it has…

    Read more: monday-ness
  • A Thousand Miles

    i’m soo happy na i finally learned how to play a thousand miles by vanessa carlton [play it at the music player! ^_~]..di pa nga ako tapos eh pero at least ah.. achievement to… sa club kase they were suggesting a song na may orchestral sound for the violins, flute, piano and guitar… and they…

    Read more: A Thousand Miles
  • TAGAY!

    such a nice saturday for me…yesterday was full of laughter, tears, bsta.. unexplainable things…LoL… haha… we went to my cousin’s house for the blessing… todo saya! it’s my first time to actually taste ‘vodka’.. eh nyek.. di nman pla matapang eh.. [or does it have something to do with the brand?] it’s like lemon juice…tapos…

    Read more: TAGAY!

    being a bloghopper also has its credentials… basically you’ll have to waste your precious time in bloghoppin and scanning on random posts, plus you’re wasting your energy typing some comments on their shoutboxes just for the sake of leaving your tracepaths behind so you can get more hits…but of all these… what’s the price of…

    Read more: BLOGHOPPER