A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • enchanted kingdom

    i know you’ve been there and it’s no use putting into detail every ride i tried since you know how it feels to be there and even if i write every single emotion i felt at that time… there’d be no, not at all, possible ways for you to feel like i did. yesterday was…

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  • mall sick!

    ever heard of that?i just went to the mall awhile ago with my sister to fulfill my… selfish desires!ahahaaa… generally… what really happened should not be considered ‘shopping’ since i only bought 2 kikay necessities and spent most of my money eating! haynaku… grabe sooper bored kmi sa haus kaya we decided to chill sa…

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  • what to take?

    im filling my upcat form right know… but for the meantime… i’m looking for quota and non quota courses in the net… but to no avail…aarrggghhh…dbale… i ‘ll be able to pull something out… sometime… anyway… hahaaaayyy… wala akong maisip na 2nd course… my priority is journalism… whattabout?! do you think i’ll be able to…

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  • true enough

    You scored as Christianity. Your views are most similar to those of Christianity. Do more research on Christianity and possibly consider being baptized and accepting Jesus, if you aren’t already Christian. Christianity is the second of the Abrahamic faiths; it follows Judaism and is followed by Islam. It differs in its belief of Jesus, as…

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    a lot of you might not be interested with my misadventures and shallowness in life… but i have the right to share whatever i feel like sharing in this blog… besides… it’s up to your patience scale to wait for the whole thing to download. =) now just enjoy whatever piece of junk your eyes…

    Read more: PICTURES XD
  • forget about glassboy =)

    you see… my mind is very inconsistent… it keeps changing obsessions and you’ll just have to bear with these unpredictable changes. =) awhile ago i’m into that glassboy… a guy from the province who caught my attention because of his glasses (i don’t even know what’s with the glasses?!)… but unfortunately… i came to my…

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