A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • i want a cupofrappuccino

    today we woke up 3am para ihatid si terai sa uplb. damn i was still so sleepy but i couldn’t pass out from the chance of travelling even for just four hours. so i dressed up and got ready. anyhow. there starts our journey to los banos. if you were in my place and you’re…

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  • good day to you all!

    wee. at last i got my price from our class raffle. hehe, who would’ve thought? anyway… a good way to spend it (no! not all of course, need to save…) is to go malling! so there, ate theresa and i went to mall in spite of the rain since we need to return the vcd…

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  • i'm feeezzzziiinnnggggg….

    i’m in the computer lab today! so cooolllddd! hehe… since i’m done with my powerpoint presentation i decided to waste my time by bloghopping and breaking rule ‘no accessing of accounts’… bwahaha… i’m so happy! i don’t need to buy an expansion memory card! my sandisk finally worked! yay! kelangan lang palang iformat eh! now…

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  • ito ang tama!

    i drank a can of redhorse last sunday. haha… i don’t know why, maybe because i need the energy to stay up late to watch my beloved jackie chan movies (again!). i need some action, really. LoL, and it didn’t taste that bad and undesirable. yes it’s bitter but since i drank it cold, i…

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  • wise men say…

    only fools rush in in this kind of thing. i’m not even sure how you call this but i think i’m starting to like someone. yes, i know i like a lot of people but this one is a progressing like. a self-made kind of like which has a possibility to turn into love. wotch.…

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  • brain drain

    just came back from the acet. pretty much it’s just like the upcat, only a bit easier. i can’t believe myself too, the other parts of the test are manageable and the only part that blew off my brain cells was the last part, the numerical ability test. they’re all word problems. though they’re not…

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