A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • i thought i liked subjective exams more…

    but our hum1 exam awhile ago proved to be a torture. man, it was worth 60 points, with just 15 questions (the last one being a BONUS)… and i don’t think i did well. hahaha, actually i didn’t study for it. i only memorized the critical thinking pyramid… which quarantees me 7 points now. but…

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  • boooorredd

    i have an exam tomorrow on 10a but i have no intention of studying. who studies for it anyway? >___>; i’m afraid (oh not really) i’m slowly falling out of love with him. who say’s that’s great? no, not me. i enjoy the fluttery feeling a major crush gives… haha i’m in this age where…

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  • looking back

    i was looking through my ‘sent mail’ folder and managed to flip through some of the entries i mailed to my blog. i just actually want to ponder on a single entry, dated january 8, 2007 – about freeing myself from my self-proclaimed Zahir. now i’m about to feel the same way again (or not..err…

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  • o ano nanaman?

    i don’t know why i’m being like this.it’s been one month! yuck ang corny, pero i can’t stop thinking about him. imagine, from the moment i wake till the second i sleep?? how much worse could this uninvited feeling get?i read through my dear lord diary to check the day when i started mentioning about…

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  • happy 900th post to me!

    lol. it’s been almost 4 years and nearly a thousand entries!! wow, i endured a lot for a freakin space here in the web. hahaha the jeepneys are on strike once again. they’re doing the same thing, voice out their grievances against the rerouting and the id system. i have nothing against it, i don’t…

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  • saving up disk space

    i removed a lot of applications from our harddisk yesterday. goodbye limewire, AVG antivirus, a couple of applets, yahoo toolbar, and some other things…   and now i feel our computer sped up! yeaaaah! so i guess the issue here isn't really about a virus but our system being unable to allot enough virtual memory for multitasking.…

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