A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • orange overload!

    this layout’s dominantly orange 🙂i used my most recent artwork as the header and footer (if you’ll only scroll further down) and just, edited stuff. 🙂 pretty much the same with the horizontal navbar thingy, i wanna leave it like that and loooki! haha, SUPER THICK BORDER! yeah, i’m making a statement here! SUPER THICK…

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  • enlightenment my ass!

    i thought i got it all cleared up already.i never figured it was TOO LATE. so, i’m not tranferring anymore. damn me and my reckless decisions. it would be painfully hard for me to leave, not because i’ve grown an attachment to my course (that, i have not achieved yet), but because i want to…

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  • now it's beginning to clear up

    i want to tranfer schools already. i’m planning on leaving UPLB and transferring to FEU-Fern to start college all over again. 🙂 my parents are happy with my decision, as much as i am happy about myself finally giving in to pursue what i really desire over taking up a competitive course at the cost…

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  • have you seen that ferrari?

    i changed my desktop! hehe, the wallpaper got me drooling you know. it’s a ferrari, i’m not sure what exactly but i don’t care! i usually don’t, as long as it appeals to me, i’m game. 🙂 i don’t even care if it looks manly, whoever said girls don’t have the right to display cars…

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  • blue eyed sun

    that’s the low resolution scan. i’ve already uploaded it in my DA account, please check it out here. 🙂 i did that while waiting for my parents to arrive hehe, cos they need someone to open the gate for them, haaay and they came really late (or early) — 2 am. hahaha hope you like…

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  • still for archuleta

    even though he lost this season of AI, i know he’ll still make it big. like duh? i’m not a fan of AI in general, in fact the first AI episode i watched was last night, the Final 2 showdown. i was just compelled to watch because everyone seems to talk about it, this season…

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