A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • my darkest days

    literally. hehehethanks kim! hihihi, this was taken during one of my swimming days at the university pool. kim took shots of me while swimming because she needed a moving subject for one of her homeworks. yey! i’m glad to finally see them. though there’s really no guarantee that i’m the one in those pics, haha,…

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  • discovery suites 🙂

    i wasn’t planning on staying for the night but since nobody’s going home, i was convinced to stay, without any change of clothes and stuff. hahaha, but i got by! WE got by! 🙂 it was soooo fun! XP i thought they’re staying at shang but they moved to discovery so i followed them there.…

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  • hallejuaaaah…?

    i’m so happy right now and nothing, NOTHING, can ruin my mood (valid only this day). i’ll see to it that i’ll be extra cheerful with life, particularly today. 🙂 i got 19 units at last!!! and i got chem32! although i’m still not sure what to feel towards taking that blasted subject this sem,…

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  • soulmate search part II

    i was in 2nd year highschool when i first bought the silly superstition about the vox beetle counting. do you remember that? you count 50 beetle cars and you take note the color of the 50th car you find. then whoever asks you about the time wearing the same color is your ‘soulmate’, per se.…

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  • dear Lord.

    still no progress with my systemone account. i’m still 1 unit below the normal student load. and i still have 2 pending subjects on waitlist and i’m #1 on both of them?!?! how come nobody cancels his slot yet?!? fckdmmt! i need I.T. yaaah. that frkn information technology shiz. i need it to get at…

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  • pretty dull

    i’m bored. though i finally have a list of things to do (fix my bed, wash the dishes, cook dinner etc), i’m not in the least bit enthused. our maid just left, she wasn’t even here for a month and she left already! how.dare.her. lol. i’m not even angry, if that’s how i should feel.…

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