A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • ows

    what i need? part-time lover, full-time friend. i guess that would suit me right now. i think i’ve found a major crush! kindof. pero parang hindi pa ganon ka intense LOL. bakit o why? wala akong crush!!! ang boring neto meeeehhhhnnnnn. every tri ako may majorcrush dapat eh! why ganto? grrr

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  • champions run toward their fears

    i want to be a champion too but i’m too afraid of taking charge, of taking responsibility and of taking the opportunities that boldly present themselves to me. i believe that, if you think you can do a better job, then do it instead. keyword: THINK. the problem goes with deciding to actually DO IT.…

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  • hi pior!

    pior (that’s how i pronounce it, but i think it has an extra ‘o’ somewhere) is my new favorite instant coffee. bwahaha it’s too powerful for me. the last time i downed a cup, i wasn’t sleepy until 5am. @_@ and now, i need its company because of FUCKING JAVAAAAA. btw, i’m starting to feel…

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  • i have snake skin on my notebook >8D

    last saturday, jec showed me this long white strip of what seemed like garlic peels, until he said it’s snake skin he found lying at the school grounds that same day HAHAHAHA yikes. daddy told me old snakes peel off of their  skins to make way for the development of a new one. hehehehe e…

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  • guiltier

    she was being kind. i was being plastic. i told you right? it’s something i have to put up in order to see the necessary good in everyone. now i know she’s not always that bad. she’s always a flirt and that can be forgiven. she’s a cheerful person, you just have to put up…

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    i love you daddy!!!! after the service we went to celebrate father’s day at the homebuilders’ ministry where they organized a small program for our dear daddies! the food was delicious HAHAHAHA and the program was cute hehe >:) then we came home, i slept, my parents went to an appointment and… yon. >:) HAPPY…

    Read more: HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!