A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • Boys Over Flowers OST

    Download Full Album at Mediafireor go here for individual download links hehehe, i’m here at elbi. 🙂 while waiting for people to arrive at the office, i opted to go online first to download the OST. the mediafire link kinda sucks cos tracks 1,2,3 and 8 were cut so i had to download them individualy.…

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  • ahh damn

    i haven't left my room for 5 hours now! 5 freakin hours man, i don't know what to do! i'm hungy dmt. i can just go out anytime i want right? why the rant?! anyhow, i've just finished watching boys over flowers on dvd! hahahaha super long series. 🙂 it was nice, it had a…

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  • srsly?

    for the 3rd time now! 😀   someone from ff.net wanted to translate my fic into french! 🙂 i want to be proud but lol i'm not really comfortable with my writing style. maybe they liked the story. but hey, i had that beta-ed! XD nyehehehe   if i remember correctly, this is the second time…

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  • free net

    still here at the gym, waiting for my sister to tidy herself up after working out.   damn it, i'm not losing weight! T_T;;   ftw, everytime i workout —- i always indulge in sweets! >____>;;   news!!!! i'm growing my nails pretty fine already! 🙂 it looks like i've lost all my appetite for…

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  • for sure

    i’ll be transferring to FEU-fern this coming schoolyear to take computer science. all i have to do is make a letter regarding my honorable dismissal, have it signed by my parents, dept chair and my adviser then pass it to the college secretary. if it gets approved, i’m off to accomplish my clearance. now i’m…

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  • Learning to Play

    Lost memory – My Sassy Girl OST

    Read more: Learning to Play