A very personal blog

almost cleared

today i went to elbi to accomplish the most important thing i must accomplish to get my life straight. at least, in my point of view.

people are asking me, “how are you? did you pass diliman?”

i say “no, but i’m transferring to a different school”

“to take fine arts?”

i reply, “well, no. i’m taking computer science at feu-fern, the nearest school to our place”

“but why did you have to tranfer?”

i tried to be honest, “well, i don’t like it here anymore.”

“aww, what a waste. but you really like fine arts right?”

“yes i do. but it has to wait. i need to earn a diploma first, and this is not where i want to get it.”


“i know. but really, my life’s going to suck even more if i stay longer. sorry”


honestly, the way i took the conversation made me realize that there’s still an ounce of regret in me for leaving UPLB. if not, i would have been more honest than that. then again, exact details are reserved for exact people only. it wasn’t an easy task to explain to every orgmate i pass by that i failed my Plan A and is pursuing my Plan B now. because Plan Bs don’t always sound good.

because i want to be over and done with explaining, here’s what you want to know.

– failed up fine arts
– filed for honorable dismissal
– enrolled at FEU-fern diliman
– will take Computer Science instead of fine arts

that has to be the end.


can i brag about the entrance test?

i was the last to finish because i found it hard! abstract reasoning, graphic relations and *%@#^&%$^T& (i forgot). but when i got the result, it wasn’t as bad as i thought. perfect ako sa graphic relations chuva! yey.