A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • >:)

    yessss!!!! strawberry banana krusher + bucket of fries + mango crepe + marty’s cracklings == heaven!! i didn’t workout today. ang galing galing ko. >:) and you know what, badtrip ako kanina pero nung naisip ko na… dibale bukas makikita ko nmn yung crush ko… wala na… happy na ulit! wooooooow! lakaaas! haaaaay Lord. >:D…

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  • clumsy bella

    i came to school earlier but i didn’t attend my classes. aww, nagpa-BI ako. honestly i still feel bad. hahaha i’ve conditioned myself to be extremely grade conscious this year and because of this one absence, i feel like i’m lagging behind already. hahaha >:P watching new moon while waiting for my sister to finally…

    Read more: clumsy bella
  • dividay!

    went to divi awhile ago to buy tooooys for christmas! wahaha but it’s super cool cos i was able to buy a pair of jeans for only 100 wahahaha, plus dvds (new moon, 2012 & tidal wave), a set of pens and a set of markers. i wanna draw naaaaa! >:D will go back sometime…

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  • i quit

    how do you quit a friendship you’ve grown tired of? i feel like suddenly, i don’t want to be friends with this person anymore. not because he did something bad but because i don’t feel comfortable anymore, and anytime soon it could turn worse. i’m trying so hard to the point that it’s obvious. i…

    Read more: i quit
  • jamilove!


    Read more: jamilove!
  • orlynw?

    Read more: orlynw?