A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • Wishlist: Pilot G-Tec-C4 Set, Paulo Coelho: The Complete Collection

    Muticolored Pilot G-Tech Set! THE AWESOMENESSSSS. saw this at Tumblr and got excited to have my own, though i could only imagine the price. individually this costs around 70/pen x 10 (minus the “wholesale” discount) would probably run from 600-700. Earlier i asked NBS about this and they said it’s not available. they only have…

    Read more: Wishlist: Pilot G-Tec-C4 Set, Paulo Coelho: The Complete Collection
  • before i forget

    i just had one of the scariest dreams. @_@; i slept at around 1 or 2-ish this morning… i dreamt that i was in my room, with some people i haven’t seen in a long time. people i was never really close to… nicollete and bebs (hs classmates), and christian (college major crush #2 hehe).…

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  • what to do when you're sick and beating a deadline

    here are a couple of things i need to accomplish before the sun rises. 1. at least 2 articles– was supposed to do this yesterday but my alarm clock failed me again. you see, i slept for 12 hours. >8D but it’s fine, it’s the best gift i could probably give myself these days. last…

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  • lo and behold

    my first ever attempt to create a simple LED circuit! the wires are a mess, but that can be forgiven. at least it followed the schematics right! >:D now. off to work. i have 4 articles due today. well, that’s my personal deadline. sleep has been scarce these days. gotta make the most of my…

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  • screw my math

    i was reading my previous post and thought, where did i get these math? it didn’t make sense to me. specially 4-6. i was thinking, where did i get 4? 6 came from 2 articles times 3 hours. thing is, my computation was wrong hahahaha! where the hell did that 4 came from. OTL ok.…

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  • HIRED!

    i looked at my time table and thought how i’m going to be sleepless for the next 10 days, that’s until the 17th. my first writing assignment was every bit hard. i didn’t think it would be this, uhhh, hard. argh.  let’s see if i can do this.  everyday, i get home more or less…

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