A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • no. i'm just being polite.

    don’t get me wrong.don’t take it seriously.i’m never one to shut someone out completely unless i was severely harmed. emotionally hohoho. mentally pala hehehe. as long as i can handle it, okay lang. hihihi eh you know what. that way i feel wit JM right now is exactly how i felt about him a year…

    Read more: no. i'm just being polite.
  • why do i hate you so friggin much?

    i thought i had freed myself from my 4th Zahir but i guess i haven’t? i’m still way too cruelly creative in planning your bitches death (or despair, whichever works). I’m sinning because of you. And i ghosted the wrong disk again. argh.

    Read more: why do i hate you so friggin much?
  • last night (or this morning before i woke up), i dreamt about JM!

    BWAHAHAHA here’s what i remember:i was heading to LB for something.i commented on Jerson about something, he smiled and sort of posed. for one, he has one of the best smiles among my guy friends.Jam sent me a note about something, then Mac sent me another note. i forgot. org issues i guess?then i was…

    Read more: last night (or this morning before i woke up), i dreamt about JM!
  • privacy ekek

    HAHAHA in relation to my “theory” that google could actually be an emerging antichrist, i suddenly became wary of the amount of information about me present in the web. they could use it for something like an operation neopersecution when the “time” comes. hehe. i did some pretty silly vanity search and found out that…

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  • hm

    i came in their room and she was eyeing me with such familiarity. i could only guess it came from knowing either of the two: 1. that i am his professor’s daughter2. i was her schoolmate i think i can be friends with her. BWAHAHAHAHA

    Read more : hm
  • it doesn't go away that easily

    bittorent says my Skip Beat download has to wait 2 weeks++ to get finished. i said, as soon as it’s done, i’ll revert to win xp sp2 and try to get some hotfixes for my friggin SQL installation. para lang di masayang yung 68.5% progress ko. HAHAHA now, i’m hesitating on going back. i think,…

    Read more: it doesn't go away that easily