A very personal blog

Day 2: 10 likes and dislikes

oh well this is too late!

to make things different… or just so i won’t sound like a self-obsessed girl dropping off yet another list of likes in case any of you want to give me gifts bwahehe

i’ll be listing my … 10 favorite YOUTUBERS (i do LIKE them after all) cos i’ve been hangin around there a lot, lately. or ever since i upgraded from dial up bwahaha

in no particular order.

1. SUNGHA JUNG – he plays the guitar like heaven! i made an entire playlist of him in my player. take note that ripping off videos from youtube and converting em to mp3 is a tedious task for me (aside from being illegal), but that’s how much i love his music. >:D

2. KAILE GOH – supercrush! she’s so hot and talented! ♥ not really a fan of the songs she covers but i watch her because i love looking at her! hahahaha sorinaman nakakatibo seryoso amp

3. MADDIE JANE – here’s a very very promising kid with amazing voice! check out her covers, specially Price Tag and Jar of Hearts. >:D

4. DAVE DAYS – waaaahh supercrush! when i first saw him on DigiTour’s promo vid, i was like WAAAAAHHH NERD MATERIAL ALERT ♥♥♥ but no, i kindof got disappointed that he’s too cool. WAAY TOO COOL that he can’t be a nerd. but i guess he’s weird enough. ohwell. check out his cover-slash-parody of Rocketeer. only thing i don’t like about him: he worships Miley Cyrus. it breaks my heart. argh. hey, HE’S LEFT-HANDED! >XD

5. LUAN LEGACY – this bitch talks real! HAHA you might find his uber fast talking annoying but his messages are exactly how i feel at times, check: you are not that important haha and also you don’t need a boyfriend to feel good HAHAHA oh and THIS: don’t ask for advice if you won’t listen dang right.

6. KURT HUGO SCHNEIDER – just go check him out! he’s one hell of a producer/filmmaker/musician everythiiing! >:)
7. SAM TSUI – he works with #6 and his covers are on Kurt’s youtube page. >:D my favorite from him is his just a dream cover with christina grimmie, which brings me to

8. CHRISTINA GRIMMIE – one of my favorite singers! her voice is amazing. HAHA notice the amount of text decreases as i’m being lazy again hahaha.

9. ANDY DORFMAN – because i like her style and music >:) i want to learn this kind of production. and this one, it’s a bit eccentric but i like it! >>> Beautiful

10. MARIA ARAGON – because she’s so cute! haha

and now, for my 10 dislikes.
ehhhh, i’m not gonna pretend to be nice here BY NOT POSTING my 10 dislikes. i could go on for days if you want but by virtue of being lazy, i’ll drop the 10 loathes off! i hate being reminded of what i hate anyway, ruins my day. haha