A very personal blog

i'm not sure what to say (weh)

her debut celebration was held yesterday at the acropolis greens clubhouse. when i entered the subdivision, i immediately made a vow that one day, i will own a lot in this place. i was overwhelmed! the houses are big and the location is perfect (it’s in libis). what more can i ask for? i mean, yeah it’s quite ambitious of me to dream of becoming part of the acropolis neighborhood because it’s like an exclusive village for ultra rich people but whatever, it’s just a dream. a long term one that’s probably gonna cost me a hell lot of fortune. i wonder if there are still vacant lots in there, i really want to build my own house. for that matter, i want a family to live with too. :0

i missed peachy! wow, she’s a lady now! and sexy na sha! no more triangle hair and baby fats! grabe i almost cried during the entourage, it’ been freakin 6 years!!!! and i missed tita shiela too! huhuhu, still a very pretty mom. 🙂

finally, ate theresa bought me a new charger! yehey. i think she searched the whole greenhills for it but ended up in commonwealth market. sheesh. thank you! i know it’s a big pain in the ass to look for such a rare charger! i was even thinking of just buying a new one, a nokia with a universal charger, and just sell my previous unit in ebay. hahaha. and because my phone’s kinda old – a 4 yr old motorolla e398- the ultra thin silicon skin is somewhat wearing off already. that’s why i decided to just peel off the entire skin and voila! it’s good as new now! it simply revealed the inner thing which is just the plastic case which is super black and shiny. now i just need to buy a new crystal case for it. hehehe

i got a semi-positive feedback from ebay just recently. this client agreed to purchase my dad’s compaq ipaq 3950 for 8k. i’m just waiting for him to set the date of appointment then we’ll meet and finish the business transaction. i can’t wait. i do hope he’s gonna push though.

ah ok. i have three major crushes right now. they’re all my brods. hahaha. my dormmates know. i always tell them my crushes. well you see, it’s like this… whenever i tell people about my crushes, chances are it’s just a plain crush, nothing serious. most of the time i keep my serious crushes (those whom i’m likely to fall in love with – though i can’t tell if i’ve ever been there. still can’t figure out the thin line between love and infatuation) – to myself… and sometimes to my sister. hahaha because i need a lot of time to think it over. what the fuck diba?!?!

we went to dapitan awhile ago, not the historical one with Rizal… i’m talking about the dapitan arcade… i don’t know where exactly that is. somewhere in quezon city… my mom went there to buy christmas decorations and stuff. gaaah, i was bored. every stall pretty much sells the same things. they’re all native products. my favorite item would be the marble eggs. wala lang, cute sila, mabigat. mejo wierd gawing gift but i’m also considering it. pero parang hindi ni rin kasi i’m not sure if we’re coming back. ok, wag na lang. may naisip na akong ibang gift sa mga kaibigan ko. hahaha. labo

i apologized to robin yesterday through text. masyado ko pala siyang kinupal nung nagrereport siya. bati na kami!!!! actually his batchmate, jesse, was the who made me realize i’m becoming a bitch now. ok, hindi na kupal ang term. i think i’ve become bitchy (and bitter) during the reporting period. marami daw naiinis sakin. wow, na-sad ako dun. super. haha, kupal ba ako? hahaha dahil dun, hindi ko na pinahirapan si jesse. nagusap lang kami. walang kahirap hirap ang pagrereport nya sakin. hahaha. inamin ko na i’m just doing it (pangungupal) for fun… dahil nga bitter ako! at sinabi rin naman ni kuya jhomar na pahirapan ko sila. lol. i think their batch hates me (BIG TIME) now.
