A very personal blog

the right to indulge

i’m using my being ‘depressed’ as an excuse to treat myself. actually, i’m not depressed anymore! i’m back to the usual happy and giddy me. it doesn’t hurt anymore to think i’m going to repeat my blasted chemistry subjects! nor do i weep with the possibility of me failing my math and physics!! in short, i am not anymore afraid of falling over the cliff of academic probation!

yeah, that’s how much i love belittling myself. and it sucks because i’m enjoying doing it. on the bright side though, i don’t put up expectations for myself. i’ve had enough of that. i know it’s an attitude one would despise having, hehe, but i’m not always like this. i’m.not.always.like.this.

i only go super negative when it comes to my studies… because really, i don’t believe in my own mental capacity!!

and because of that, i’ve just given myself a virtual pass to indulge on anything that i like. anything… just for this day… of course with a limit of 500 pesos.

so here’s what i did…
hehehe i went to trinoma alone! wahehehehe i just want to have ice cream, that’s all. it’s a very effective mood-uplifter (i could’ve gotten myself a cup of coffee but i decided to avoid it JUST for this weekend because i want to sleep early and besides… i just had an attack remember? so yeah, i have to ban myself again). and i want DQ! so DQ it is… wuhooo. ice cream galore! i’ve been taking in too much calories this weekend! after finishing my oreo blizzard at their garden rooftop (where there’s starbucks at the center! yaay!) i went roaming about the place… looking here looking there… not really buying anything. then i saw cafe breton, and remembered one episode of ‘Ang Pinaka’ where they featured breton’s mango crepe with ice cream.

so yun, napasubo ako! haha, kakatapos ko lang mag ice cream, ice cream na naman. and mehn, i was disappointed!!!!! after finishing the plate… nainis ako. e kaya ko kayang gawin to sa bahay?!?!?! ano ba yan, hotcake na may mangga at ice cream sa ibabaw lang pala!

e ang tanga ko kasi. i thought there’s something different with it, something special! e wala, regular crepe lang pala. che.

tapos the price man! the price went to a whooping 208 pesos!!! i didn’t expect that really. i.fucking.didn’t.expect.that. >_> akala ko nasa 60 pesos lang. hmmph, di kasi tumitingin sa menu, kain lang ng kain. kala mo kung sinong mayaman. naku, arianne magdusa ka! isang linggo kang magsio-siomai-rice sa los banos! bwahahahahaha!!

o sha… after the stupid dessert. i bought something from penshoppe… blah blah blah. penshoppe has really nice scents. 🙂 and then i strolled and strolled and strolled, canvassed for this and that and finally decided to GOOOOOO HOOOOOME!!!! i was really tired so instead of walking the extra mile to SM north edsa’s jeepney terminal, i decided to just take the FX at trinoma’s parking lot. which is another unexpected prick to my melting purse. how the hell can you charge 30 pesos from trinoma to SM fairview!!! that’s ridiculous and downright preposterous!!!! but then you know what? because i was really tired that time, i just slept myself to oblivion… maybe the aircon would compensate to my fury. and that’s where the rest of the surcharge went…

blah blah blah. i waited for my parents at FCM because they’re going to have their hair cut and i want to save the tricycle fare too so there… my sister and mom got a haircut… and i didn’t. i want to grow my hair long… then i’ll get it layered and w/ bangs. ohyeah, hope it suits me well. i’ve never seen myself with long hair.

hey, i want to take this moment as a chance to tell everyone that starting tomorrow… i’m going to study harder! yeah!! and by harder, it means that i’m probably not going to update that often… let alone play!

that’s a really big sacrifice!! how can i stand a day without arming my neopet for battle? for games? for invitational cups?

ugh, whatever. just that. i’m on blogging/neopets/addictinggames/onlinegames HIATUS

let’s see if i can take my own word for it.