A very personal blog


[this gets updated, ok? so nevermind the date! :D]

Of course, above everything else – MONETARY GIFTS are highly appreciated! Because as you can see… most of these things are expensive, and quite specific too. hahahaha

  • laptop
  • rechargeable digital camera – i like the olympus fe320/fe280
  • speedo goggles
  • swimming cap
  • colored gel pens
  • new rubbershoes
  • red low-rise chucks
  • a red wrist watch
  • white socks
  • bandana handkercheifs
  • a cute drinking mug
  • a large supply of lipton milk tea
  • a generous supply of instant coffee
  • Starbucks gift certificates – or you can just treat me to it hehehe
  • pens! any kind!
  • mechanical pencil
  • a nice eco-friendly bag
  • Ferrari logo sticker
  • hard disk enclosure of at least a hundred gigs hehe
  • USB flash drive of at least 4gigs
  • uhhh, can i wish for passing grades this first sem of 2008?
  • a nice field trip
  • DQ ice cream
  • learn to drive, then get a license
  • bike
  • get into the varsity
  • UP Jacket
  • slippers, i’m size 7
  • Books
    • Devil and Miss Prym – Paulo Coelho
    • The Pilgrimage – Paulo Coelho
    • Witch of Portabelo – Paulo Coelho
    • All American Girl – Meg Cabot
    • Harry Potter 3
    • Harry Potter 4
    • Harry Potter 5
    • Harry Potter 6
    • Harry Potter 7
    • by Judith McNaught (xept Whitney My Love, Until You and Almost Heaven)
    • Mac Arthur – Bob Ong
    • Books by Bo Sanchez
    • New Moon – Stephanie Meyer
    • Eclipse – Stephanie Meyer

  • tennis balls
  • book light