A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • Coffee Twist

    picture from spankyenriquez.blogspot.com via google images jusme. last monday, i got two bottles of hazlenut (yellow) for lunch. i like it cos it’s cheap and it’s like molten XO! bwahaha ang saraaaaapppp >XD the next day i got a bottle of classic (red) and a bottle of hazlenut for lunch, and i liked the classic…

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  • Alberto (based on a true story)

    i’m reading this super long and interesting comics right now about Alberto, a former catholic turned Christian. READ IT HERE!!!! there are a loooot of interesting things i found out with the comics, which yknow i’m not sure i could trust. i mean, it makes the roman catholic church look so bad. and even though…

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  • feline tongue

    the may 21, 2011 doomsday prediction is pretty nakaka-praning. HAHAHA nsdjgkhfvask btw, cute thing before i went home. i found a stray cat inside 304, and meowed it out. it meowed back and ran out. haha after turning off the pcs, i found it standing near the stairs so i meowed at it. and it…

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  • sayang!

    i could’ve done this earlier! why didn’t i think of it earlierrrrrr like when there were more worthy victims around! arg. it’s too late now, but it could still be useful hehehe 3 passwords sniffed.i told you, be careful when i’m around. i have my ways. ah. tomorrow has to be good. >:) heeeyyy, i…

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  • Take My Son

    a forwarded email from one of my close friends. A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire the great works of art. When the Vietnam conflict broke out, the son went to war.…

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