A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • arty mood

    woot! i got inspired with a certain devArt yesterday… ermm.. you can find it in my favorites sa aking DA page.. check previous post.. it’s entitled vanity…haha.. stig ng art.. haha.. how i wish i could draw something like that… i’ll start sketching later… hmm.. anyway.. as usual.. got my blogger instincts again.. bloghopping nnmn..…

    Read more: arty mood
  • i made a successful avatar (daw!)

    and so i though i finally got the trick in making animated avatars… but hell.. no! may the bad omen around me burn in eternal damnation! grr… i’m soooo pissed off by the way i repeat and repeat everything i’ve done just because i didn’t save my work kasi when i preview the file it’s…

    Read more: i made a successful avatar (daw!)
  • i made a successful avatar!

    but unfortunately i still can’t post it.. kasi i forgot to change some settings… on the other hand… get ready for some rubbish i’m gonna share with you… my mom is getting her VIP client a 1000 peso worth of a jacket… that’s soo unfair!! -.-;; another thing… my mom shoped in divi for toys……

    Read more: i made a successful avatar!
  • image ready 7!

    yay! i finally learned how to make an animated avatar or something using image ready 7… un nman pla eh… hehe…IR7 is the program for animations… tapos PS7 nman ung designing… heheeee… lemme show you what i did.. o.O oh no.. it’s not moving anyway..later na lng un.. ah bsta… -_-;; thanks a lot to…

    Read more: image ready 7!
  • malapit na magpasko..

    guys.. gift ko! anyway.. wla nmang extraordinary na nangyri today.. as if nman noh… as usual… breakfast sa car… pandesal and coffee.. yum yum! haaayy… look at that.. i think i’ll have to suggest na we go to church on 8am servicesz instead of 6… kasi nman… nagigising kmi 6 na.. so.. late na un..…

    Read more: malapit na magpasko..
  • lintik ah.. now i can’t put a title ksi everytime i type on that stupid title field… nagpopup-up ung annoying script error code na hinala ko ay dala nnman ng isang mapaminsalang virus! currently listening to once upon a december… bket prang lhat ng broadway singers kboses ni lea salonga? LoL.. haha… pansin ko ha……

    Read more: untitled post 3711