A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • geekdom!

    i got bored reading good omens, not because i’m merely experimenting if sci-fi’s my thing (i figured i’m more of a romance novel geek), but mainly because i’ve been getting nasty headaches these days. i want to finish it, seriously, because i adore neil gaiman’s wit and hilarious puns and his books are those types…

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  • 11 8210 spells dead fantasy

    as much as this day spells our last power memory sessions. i swear, even though i was cursing my parents for breaking my bumming habits this summer AT FIRST, eventually the alleged punishment for my scholastic downfall became, after all, a GIFT! i learned so much and my memory skills improved, dramatically! halelujah! i feel…

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  • perhaps

    i have no right to say i was deprived of the chance to go out and explore during my highschool days just because i’m so stuck inside the unimplemented but felt stereotype present during those damned years. last night, because i can’t lull myself to sleep listening to my mp3 player, i browsed through our…

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  • in need of some flattering

    if i badly wanted to flatter myself i go to my fanfiction.net account and just check my stats. so far, it always flatters me to see my stories getting good reviews. much more, it boosts up my ego learning that there are actually people who put me in their favorite authors list. it’s not a…

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  • she can't be serious

    well you know, it’s still a good 7 months from now so i’d be sure to forgive them if they suddenly backed out or changed plans. mom says she’ll bring me to hongkong for my 18th birthday celebration (of course with my family). haha, i’m glad to hear that finally i’d be able to ride…

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  • i've been waiting for this!

    2 things ♥ i’m finally able to go online right here at home! meaning, daddy already got tired of me pushing him into spilling his ‘secret’ why the modem just won’t fucking work. then he fixed it in front of me, like i’m demanding him on a gunshot. lol, it was so funny treating my…

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