A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • not really.

    stupid title. can’t think of any. i’m really making good progress averting myself from consuming the world wide web on an unreasonable count. it’s only the first time i saw the net since this weekend… and it’s already thursday. hehehe nice diba? oh anyway. i came online to download our physics handout (and of course…

    Read more: not really.
  • piano mode

    sabi ko na nga ba may future ako sa electronics eh. hehehe i fixed the pedal! yaaahooo! hehe, now i can use the organ again. hehe, namiss ko sya! 🙂 i stopped playing kasi sira nga yung pedal and ang arte ko, i want the grand piano tune to be sustained all the time. after…

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  • why i'm starting to hate rinoa heartily

    you can hate me for this because who’s speaking is a biased final fanstasy ignorant basher. 2 things:@ she always gets cosplayed. i’m tired of seeing her in cons. her dress is so simple, and she’s one of the most cosplayed, not to mention ‘default’ cosplay character in the world. when you a visit a…

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  • afterall, it's working

    i just came online to get our physics handouts from our prof’s multiply site (but i can’t seem to find the right file >_>). then of course, along with it goes my internet iteneraries. ♠ i’m trying to minimize my internet consumption because i know it’s one heck of a disturbance. so i’ll get you…

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  • ay, grabe!

    “Pilipino ako, sapat na yun na dahilan para mahalin ko ang Pilipinas.” – Bob Ong napakatanga ko naman para makalimutang batiin ng Happy Independence Day ang Pilipinas nuong June 12. anyway, eto… Belated. sa tingin ko talaga, wala akong sense of nationalism. pero i don’t hate the Philippines, feeling ko lang, sa panahon ngayon… it’s…

    Read more: ay, grabe!
  • complete!

    currently: re-reading the complete beta-read version of my fic! ah! i’m so excited to republish it! 🙂 thanks so much my dear! i was damn flattered when you said you still cried after your second read. man, i think imma cry as well. 🙂 then after that, i’m gonna watch Ouran! yeheeey! i have to…

    Read more: complete!