A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • hello, chuck

    i am gravely fascinated with the american series, Chuck. i love it! i love how chuck looks all geeky even without thick glasses and braces. it’s sooo cool. after immersing myself in geekdom, next i find myself swooning over an almost naked Lucas Scott (one tree hill). extremes, yeah, from the highly technical crime series-…

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  • before it kills me

    i’ll try to make this short (but i doubt). i do have a lot of things to say but because a headache’s killing me i have to refrain from excessive thinking and probably resume to my Chuck marathon. so here, my sister and i just came back from a church-mall escapade. it was hard on…

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  • so this is how it feels

    to be happy with what you’re doing even though you get very little money for it. it’s becoming more confusing for me now, doing things i should’ve pursued for the sake of my happiness just as a sideline and doing the less dramatic stuff in hopes of getting enormous monetary kickbacks in the future. in…

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  • wala akong masabi

    you made my day yesterday. grabe thank you. ♥ 🙂 i’ve started taking art commissions now! (if that’s how you call it bwahaha) i got around 11 orders during our last GA and more from my classmates this morning. i guess it’s going to be a weekend full of work for me. and i’m earning…

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  • portfolio!

    this is the main page of the portfolio slideshow i created using powerpoint 07. it’s done out of frustration because i still couldn’t get how flash 8 works. i need a book, probably. -___-; but that’s on the least of my concerns now that i’ve realized i could make equally decent presentations using powerpoint as…

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