A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • heheheeeeey!!

    it’s almost christmas!! haha what a stupid remark. i just wanted to blog, that’s all. hehehehe i. “congratulations! you did it again”T___T; my 3rd week of relisting the item i was selling at ebay. anyway… it’s an (a?) HP laptop bag. in case you’re interested here’s the link: click! ii. i thought we’re never gonna…

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  • biofit

    hey! i’m getting frustrated here! 5 days ago, i bought biofit slimming tea… 5 days later, i still feel nothing! as in noooothing adverse in my stomach! i’m not constipated or anything, i still do regular trips to the bathroom. pero noooo… i’m not feeling any stomachache at all! is this good or bad? is…

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  • almost positive client.

    i. i’ve been talking (through text) to this person who wants to get hold of the item i’m selling at ebay. however, he proposed a swap thing, which i’m not really fond of since i need the cash more and i might not get the right value for the item i’m going to resell when…

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  • nature-trip: check

    woa! natupad agad!lol. remember i mentioned in my last entry that i wanted go nature tripping (plus swimming and blaah) this break? it just came true! we went for a picnic at la mesa ecopark awhile ago to celebrate my auntie’s birthday (which was two days ago). it was reaaallly fun! it’s only my second…

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  • new banner 🙂

    i made a new header. it’s actually a recycled one i used in one of my previous blogs. 🙂 it features a certain artwork of mine from way way back. just that… 🙂 i’m supposed to do ‘ a series of unfortunate banners’ entry instead of this to feature the 2 other banners i made…

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  • bored

    this is lame. i’ve got pretty much a ton to do over the break, i even remember listing them out on my previous entry… but why am i still so bored? maybe it’s the wheather. T_T; maybe it’s because i have no money yet. or maybe it’s because i’m too lazy to do anything. T__T;…

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