A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • jitters

    OMG. CFA has already opened its door for applicants.i’m very nervous. i’m excited to get in CFA, but utterly uncertain whether freakin CEAT would let me out. please. T___T; i watched mel and joey awhile ago and it totally counters the bad luck that most websites tell about the people born under the year of…

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  • err… i survived?

    more or less 3 days without internet! now that’s cool monday night i came to elbi to review for an exam for the next day. but i was wrong, we didn’t have an exam! grr T__T; tuesday was boring. i skipped two of my classes because i overslept. well, not exactly but i keep on…

    Read more: err… i survived?
  • bleaaaach!

    currently watching: bleach hehe not finished with soulmate parin.honey and clovers 1 and 2 still pending… i have only 3gigs left on my partition drive. T_____T;; one of the first heteropairs i liked: kurosaki ichigo ♥ kuchiki rukiayey haha

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  • this is not a love letter

    i’m a wimp. i’ve never confessed to anyone before, maybe because i don’t think there’s something liberating with confessing to my crush(es) that i like him(them), unless i figure out it’s something bigger. or maaaaybeeee, having a crush on someone is too shallow a reason to break my fantasies. another thing, just like the usual…

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  • hanep!

    reposted.edited version. lolfirst time to use windows movie maker! 🙂 and hey! i’ve finally fixed the mic sensitivity problem! i’m excited to make more vids like this. hahaha please watch! 🙂 rate, comment…whatever. haha XD

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  • haha

    stupid title jan 16:i. was extremely mentally draining. during eng2, we had a writing exercise and we were pressured to compose one (at most 2) paged essay about the essence of scholarship and plagiarism. 20 minutes. crap ii. then on my next class, we had a quiz. guess what, another essay writing thing about the…

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