A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • ugh, crap, i'm bored

    see? i’m not even studying! the library is a cooool place. sucks because i have to wait till 1pm to bring the books home. >__>; hmm… ok maybe i’ll watch angels and demons na lang! then i am legend! then bleaaaach! yey

    Read more: ugh, crap, i'm bored
  • i ran out of bleach eps to waaaatch!!! grrr

    BECAUSE the dvd stopped at episode 151, right when they were already fighting with arrancars at hueco mundo! sucks biiiiig time!!! WHICH IS WHY… tomorrow, my sister and i, BY ALL MEANS, will buy dvds.and by dvds… we mean… bleachangels and demonsi am legend (if there’s no AnD) i wanted to buy more dvds… like…

    Read more: i ran out of bleach eps to waaaatch!!! grrr
  • yo france!

    this is crazy! my fic is much appreciated in france now! 5 chapters, 70 reviews (and counting!), and 3,000++ hits! that’s beyond awesome! for me ha! course, i’m keeping my standards low. i usually wait until i get 10 or more reviews per chapter before i update. it also helps gauge the popularity of the…

    Read more: yo france!
  • hm

    #1: you complain too much. what are those bible verses for??? i don’t like your blogging bragging style. you complain, you site verses, then you calm down. one your next entry, you complain more, you site more verses and calm down. you never change. you sound like a hypocrite. #2: i dunno if it’s just…

    Read more : hm
  • bleach!!!

    gosh! i’m nearing the end of my dvd! less than 10 episodes to go before i have to buy a new one! T___T;; i feel pretty sad cos i only scored 30% (6/20) on my bestfriend’s how well do you know me quiz part 2! 🙁 it was hard! : lol -_- hm hm hm.it’s…

    Read more: bleach!!!