A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • beats me

    // i told some of my friends about my so-called twisted story line about God and Satan and blah blah blah. i knew it was scary to have come up with such a plot but at the same time i know it’s a great story. i personally think it’s one heck of a story that…

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  • thank you! >:D

    // yesterday – invited my little cousins and neighbors for dinner at my house. basically, it’s a children’s party! i realized that it’s fun to spend birthdays with children cos they make me feel so young and lively! >:) // today – swimming with fernds (fern friends, k? not a typo) — saycee, chamel, mark,…

    Read more: thank you! >:D
  • balik balik balik

    ang gulo no?archive na lang to. dito ka na lang ulit >:)

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  • >:D

    good morning earth! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN!!! hahaha! ang saya ng birthday mo promise! >:D // this morning… went to church and rededicated myself, then to the cemetery to visit my lolo and auntie’s grave. we do this every year on my birthday cos they both died near it. my lolo died nov13 and my aunt,…

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  • Survivor Philippines Palau FINALE

    Amanda Cooley Van Coll is Survivor Philippines Palau’s SOLE SURVIVOR. After tiring commercials, the finale ended with 3 votes for Justine and 4 votes for Amanda. It has been the most exciting Survivor Philippines, as far as being predictable is concerned. This Survivor did not revolve on outplaying (as anticipated) but rather on outwitting, as…

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  • what?

    // why are these guys pushing me to the wrong person? when in reality, there’s no one i want to be pushed into yet. there’s this app at facebook which randomly generates reasons why you’re still single. it’s just funny cos the ‘randomly generated reason’ i got is something i’ve mentioned before. i didn’t say…

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