A very personal blog

Author: Yan


    i’m sooo sooo happy for my sister!!!she passed UP!!! los banos nga lang.. pero ok na rin.. lipas n lng sha campus nex sem! i’m sooo happy but what i’m feeling now is a mix of emotions.. im happy for her.. yet scared for me.. you know what?my sister kasi is in the honor roll..…

    Read more: PUMASA SI TERAIIII!!!!!
  • today is…

    stupid ng title..-_-;; haaayyy…. sooper naninibago ako sa sarili ko.. bcoz of my kilay…^^;; funny ba? i mean.. should i blame the bading in the salon for making it so thin, yet fairly nice or should i blame myself for not protesting early enough to prevent this self consiousness that i feel? naahh.. wala na…

    Read more: today is…
  • prom =|

    ok… so yesterday was the prom night… i arrived at 6:10 and left at exactly 11:10..in short. i didn’t finish the whole program… just bcoz i’m sooo sleepy… i slept in my chair for a couple of minutes but i felt uncomfortable so i decided to … rest somewhere else… to a place where i…

    Read more: prom =|
  • english week…

    half day nga lang eh.. hehe.. pero anyway..i’m happy that, as expected (nag-expect talaga ko!), we won the photo gallery plus the best essay thing… haha.. ang saya saya… hehe… congrats din sa radio play! astig, i heard the judge said she’s going to hire them for her movie, if ever, to be on the…

    Read more: english week…
  • should i blame myself?

    hey.. good afternoon.now here’s the topic…should you at least ponder on the lyrics of ‘welcome to my life’ by simple plan… that’s where i’m jumping on… i mean the message.. not the real being-a-5th-wheel-person thing… i’m tired.i know not everyone are blessed with that popularity that makes you the fad icon or trend-setter in the…

    Read more: should i blame myself?
  • wednesday =)

    hello there… ^_^;;weeeee… the photo gallery [including me!] group did a good job awhile ago.. plus yesterday!hehe… ang kyut nung design nameeennn…. ahahahaaa… plus the essay.. i kind of liked it with my little revisions.. pero oks lng…maganda naman… wish ko lang talaga manalo kami kasi kung sa design lang naman ang pag-uusapan… among the…

    Read more: wednesday =)