A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • why i hate wallowing in my youth

    i want to quit listening.for once, i want to be listened to.but then i don’t just speak, i pick the persons whom i’m going pour relevant things at. and you’re MOST PROBABLY not part of that.

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  • way to go!

    i. woke up at 5am, arrived at the terminal at around 6, then came to los banos at around 830. then while i was on the jeepney, i was fumbling in my bag for my apartment keys. then i panicked! i couldn’t find them! ;___; i was super nervous. my groupmates and i are supposed…

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  • jitters

    OMG. CFA has already opened its door for applicants.i’m very nervous. i’m excited to get in CFA, but utterly uncertain whether freakin CEAT would let me out. please. T___T; i watched mel and joey awhile ago and it totally counters the bad luck that most websites tell about the people born under the year of…

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  • do you believe in fate?

    i wouldn’t call this a great day, i did nothing for the most part, i didn’t bring junjun (i’m using pa-q btw) or anything heavy like my humongous notebook for this weekend. i didn’t swim yesterday, though i promised, because i woke up with an ugly muscle pain on my left shoulder and thighs (tennis).…

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  • err… i survived?

    more or less 3 days without internet! now that’s cool monday night i came to elbi to review for an exam for the next day. but i was wrong, we didn’t have an exam! grr T__T; tuesday was boring. i skipped two of my classes because i overslept. well, not exactly but i keep on…

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  • bleaaaach!

    currently watching: bleach hehe not finished with soulmate parin.honey and clovers 1 and 2 still pending… i have only 3gigs left on my partition drive. T_____T;; one of the first heteropairs i liked: kurosaki ichigo ♥ kuchiki rukiayey haha

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