A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • hm

    #1: you complain too much. what are those bible verses for??? i don’t like your blogging bragging style. you complain, you site verses, then you calm down. one your next entry, you complain more, you site more verses and calm down. you never change. you sound like a hypocrite. #2: i dunno if it’s just…

    Read more : hm
  • bleach!!!

    gosh! i’m nearing the end of my dvd! less than 10 episodes to go before i have to buy a new one! T___T;; i feel pretty sad cos i only scored 30% (6/20) on my bestfriend’s how well do you know me quiz part 2! 🙁 it was hard! : lol -_- hm hm hm.it’s…

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  • upperclass idiots

    maybe when i get my uniform, i’ll stop being mean. i’m getting super interested with C programming, even though we haven’t started doing the real thing yet (and i might suck at it too). the only thing i hate is that i can only borrow books from the library during the afternoon…and most of the…

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  • 1,2,3 fitness firsts visited! XD

    excluding my home club of course. i’ll be freezing my account soon, probably tomorrow. i need the time to save money and to look for a job. 🙂 oh yes, i’m inspired by the sony dsc-w120/canon ixus 80is and yeah, a laptop. so, i’ve been to fitness first sm north, sm megamall and just now,…

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  • first day low

    wasn't really excited on my first day at fern. i mean, what is there to be excited for? i dunno. i feel dumb as usual, especially that i'm surrounded by freshies. i didn't even make friends. well, i talked to a few people about the room assignment cos there are freakin 2 rooms indicated in…

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  • a 10 minute kitchen wonder! — Veggie Pizza Roll


    see? my sister and i just made this awhile ago and called it, Veggie Pizza Roll. inspired (or brutally speaking — stolen/copied/improvised) from Plato Wraps’ very veggie! of course, we’re great eh! 😀 Ingredients? Green Bell PepperRed Bell PepperWhite OnionsCanned mushroomsCheeseTomato ketchup (or pizza sauce)Olive oil (or just any oil)Tortilla wraps Procedure? slice every vegetable…

    Read more: a 10 minute kitchen wonder! — Veggie Pizza Roll