A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • my favorite project

    uuuuui! 😀 saw this one lurking in one of my folders! 😀 haven’t shared this one here yet… 🙂 this is probably the only project i enjoyed making out of all the projects i had in LB. bwahaha shempre! 😀 hati kami sa credits ng partner kong magaling, si sherwin! 😀 it pays to have…

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  • framed up

    @ gaaawd, i hate frames. why can’t we just skip with the html and work with something newer? and of all things, fraaaaames??? who uses them nowadays??? tell me! could’ve been easier with divs and style sheets. but whatever. html goes way back in highschool (that’s 4 years ago for me, wtf). it’s sucking up…

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  • please don't stop the music

    with my saturday night soulmate, carla. haha we keep on saying the exact things! “overnight guy” ftw. great minds think party alike kwento kwento kwento ## saturday morning – exam. yehey, 2 mistakes! 😀## saturday afternoon – decided not to go (again!) to the seminar my parents have been nagging me to attend. pumayag naman…

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  • with the band

    eto na, cover your ears. explicit content, lots of swearing and sabog recording. it rained harder when we did this. yes, we love aggravating the weather. our version of fuck you – lily allen MIC-2009-07-16_02h07m57s.mp3 – — with narcissa, voldy and zen. sino yun?mga kabanda ko bakeeet? and we’re all black. :)) next time, pakilala…

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  • :'(

    one of the most striking pictures i’ve ever seen in my entire lifetime. naiyak ako e! sorinaman. T__T; kahit na nung una, akala ko yung matanda yung lalaki sa picture. BWAHAHAphoto taken by Nadav Dov Borctzki awhile go, the atm ate my cash. ~_~ wtf. kaya naman…i don’t think i can join my friends at…

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  • wanten ey em

    @ earlier i got a pretty ridiculous LSS with Lily Allen’s Fuck You. so ridiculous that i had to search for chords, and call up the band. oha. : i was planning on uploading the thing but thought it would be too cruel of me to punish the blogosphere with my voice imeem won’t let…

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