A very personal blog

flattering myself, yet again!

i received a private message from a ff.net user asking about some survey thingy, and that’s when i remembered that i have an account there and it’s mossing up already! so i opened my account to reply to the message and also to check my stats, LOL, which is something i do everytime i log in there… for the lack of other things to do.

and there…everytime i look at that table, i become proud! proud that i was once a writer whose stories were well appreciated by many. awwww… HAHA as if big time e no? when i was err… 5 years younger, whenever i upload a story at ff.net… i always set a standard to myself (as well as to the other fics i read)… for every chapter i upload, i must wait until i get at least 10 reviews before i upload the next chapter. 10 revs/ chap is my standard of a good fic. it’s also how other authors gauge their work. hehehe

For Always, is malamang my proudest work since it’s completed.. 10 chapters + a thank you chapter. 24,000+ words! 247 reviews (they’re like comments)!!! almost 150K HITS. woooow. C2s are communities.. meaning there are 56 communities who added my story in their archives. 293 people added my story to their list of favorites too. awww…
and wait, For Always has been translated into FRENCH. sosyaaaaal. haha! and the stats are equally amazing.
the two other fics, however… are still having on a cliff… kinatamaran ko na e. sayang… 42 people are waiting for me to update Hate Me tapos 57 naman dun sa Interview with a Vampire… that’s a lot for me, actually. pero wala… hindi ko na alam.
i’ve lost my writing mojo. @_@