A very personal blog

enlightenment my ass!

i thought i got it all cleared up already.
i never figured it was TOO LATE.

so, i’m not tranferring anymore. damn me and my reckless decisions. it would be painfully hard for me to leave, not because i’ve grown an attachment to my course (that, i have not achieved yet), but because i want to see how far i can go to change myself and my attitude towards my academics. haaaay.

so yeah, i’ll be staying. hopefully, for good. 🙂

please wish me all the best. 😉

i’m rather out of focus nowadays.
not just nowadays! i see that i’ve been living the same regretful lifestyle for one and a half years, and i’m afraid it wouldn’t be easy to change that.


Title: Remember When It Rained
Summary: How far would Draco go about restraining his vampiric urges on Harry? Vampire!Draco. HPDM.

hehehe, i wanna write it now! hehehe haaaay wish me luck on this one! 🙂
i love vampires!