A very personal blog

mt. makiling

haha…. good girl ako nung outing… harhar…
we went to pook ni maria makiling deeeeeeppppp inside UP los banos… LoL… dun daw ung first date ng parents ko.. haha…

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-our cottage name
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the actual cottage… see the mumu?
beeh.. joke!
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pool pool pool… LoL how many angles of the pool should i show you…
^_^ that pool… so far is the biggest pool i’ve ever seen in my whole life… kasi.. sha ay… duh.. olympic size…-_-;;
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terai and the loooonnnnngggg looooonnnnng stairs… grabe.. hiningal ako.. and there’s a telescope sa tuktok! kaso wala na ngayon dahil natakpan na ng treeesss.
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blah sceneries… libot libot
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bridge over troubled, i mean dirty, water
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patrick kulit
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mommy and me… shempre ayaw tumingin..-_-;;
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pips… tito manny, tita ambbi, terai, daddy and patrick, mommy… the others.. ewan… ^^;;

yuun lang… baw.
masaya naman… actually i was underestimating the place but i was wrong.. twas a nice place to get along well with nature…^^;;
uhm.. ayun.