A very personal blog

if there's a will there's a way!

akalain nyo.. may computer dito!!! as in i’m still in the province… thanks to my sister at nkahagilap kmi ng computer rental dito… my gawd… look at me..ako lang nagcocomputer… i mean ako lang costumer nila… looser!
haha… joke!
anyways… duh… still can’t post pictures here… since lam nyo na… i’m nowhere near my hometown…

i miss everyone… my school friends… plus my tennis friends… ewan ko parang… ang bilis ko silang (tennis frnds)mamiss! haha.. iba kayo!

haaaynaku… this saturday we’ll be going home… as in…solo flight kami ni terai.. haha hindi pla solo yun!
arrgghhh… look at that… double looser tlga tong shop na toh!
my friendster window suddenly closed! grabeee… cge triple looser na kayo!!!
sama ko tlga.. di pa magthankyou dahil hulog ng langit ang computer rental na ito sa aking selfish desires!

oh well… susulitin ko ang one hour na ito!
at the front of this shop…may nkasulat na sign… sabi DSL daw… pero hello… ang slow!!! grr…. haynaku… patience lang ang kelangan dito!!!

i have a lot of stories to share pero lahat nkalimutan ko! cguro hindi ko na dapat sabihin!…hehe
when i go in banks… gustong gusto ko ung mga computer nila na nka higa… parang 270 degree tilt… tapos nasa ilalim ng glassed desk…. pero ngayon ayoko na… kasi ganun ung pc dito eh! kainis… i still have to bend in order to see the taskbar!

haha… bat parang ang dami kong sinasabi?! actually if u notice… walang kalaman laman ang mga sinasabi ko… haaayyy… i wanna go home na… mag-oordinary bus lang kmi ni terai!!! yahooo… kasi namn supper cold dun sa aircon bus… and i sat there for 13 friggin hours! 2 times pa nasiraan… -_-;;

damn! after internet maghahalo halo ulit ako! walang wala ang chowking halohalo dito! kahit i double scoop nyo pa ung ice cream nyo walang kwenta yan sa DJC halo halo! haha… ung kanila walang ice cream pero ang tindi!


ahahahaaa…. wala lang… masaya dito sa bicol! sobra!!! the streets here are not to be feared! kasi walang manyak na construction workers na sisitsitan ka! kahit ang dami mong makasalubong na mukhang tambay… wala lang sila… haha…

i’m missing someone so badly!!!!
wala manlang memories na iniwan pucha.

anyway…. lemme introduce to you… SODERLING!
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haha… my favorite tennis player… for two reasons…1.) magaling! 2.) gwapo! …haha… yun lang…