A very personal blog


the typhoon yoyong and winnie did make a big amount of destruction in our country, many people died, many lost their homes, many are yet missing, in short… many are suffering. the good thing is, this helluva freaking storm called all the Filipino’s attention worldwide and asked them for donations of any kind…

hmph.. at least that proved they care…actuaLLY they’re not the only one who cares! Philippine Embassy’s [tma b?] around the world are flooded with lots of Filipinos eager to send money donations via BPI bank to help our poor countrymen…

The UNITED NATIONS had an urgent meeting about this really rattling amount of devastation that swept our land and donated $6M to us in order to rebuild the ruined structures, buy food, clothes medicines and stuff for the people inlovolved

The EUROPEAN UNION also helped… they gave us 800,000 euro or PhP60M!

how generous is that?

i can’t imagine that big amount of money… i mean, i don’t think if that would be enough but i’m really grateful to those organizations who helped in the rebuilding of this storm-swept land…

BUT the question is… would the GOVERNMENT use that MONEY ENTIRELY for the benefit of the affected people? or just for themselves?

i am really in doubt of how the government use our money…

there are so many corrupt officials around pretending to be ‘concerned’ citizens when all they want is money money money…

naiinisss aakkkoooo kaaayyy Gloria… it seems like she’s not really doing anything… i hate to pin point on someone but i’ve been hearing rumors… kurakot din shaaa! like everybody else… she also greeds for money…-_-… so ano b tlga sha? pangulo o pang-gulo…