A very personal blog

Project Lunacy v.1

looki looki! i’m getting excited over my website!! Project Lunacy v.1 <—- i just finished the first page.. as in un palang.. so.. you won't be getting anything… but so far, i think i'll be continuing this until the end… ayoko na ng walang nttpos sa website… this is my third trial!

1.)— anime 711: this project was halted due to limited time of internet acces, isa pa… i don’t like geocities pagebuilder’s web resolution.. so un… tinigil ko na.. kasi ako’y nawiwindang sa pagebuilder dahil ang corny ng graphics… walang class… hindi formal.

2.)— melodic doohickeys: this is the first time i tried to do a website out of the overly complicated website making program… notepad. hoorah… masaya pren ako khit na magkanda loka loka na ko sa kaaaral ng notepad… un pla… codes! yes.. codes… and i have to learn the basics of html… kaso, tables lng alam ko gamiting… kya.. dahil panget ang kinalabasan… site is permanently closed.

3.) and now… presenting… Project Lunacy v.1… un na un… i’m using div’s na.. pra madale…haha… abangan nyo na lng pag may content na…^_^

wish ko lng… matapos ko toh,,,


today is sunday.. therefore… today is GOD’s day.. we didn’t have Pastor Dave to preach this early morning of 6 am, on the contrary, we had Ptr. Marvin… at first i thought ‘nah… i’m gonna sleep again kasi boring nnmn ung pastor’ (sma noh?) ..pero no… he was convincing enough to encourage a lot of people to turn in to the altar and accept God’s Love for them… Topic? the power of prayer… prayer without ceasing, prayer that would reach not just at the boundaries of our roofs but prayer that would reach the highest mountains… prayer that would reach GOD.

and his examples are realistic and moving… so un… i din’t sleep… hehe…

oh my… malapet na bday ko! greet me! pero whatever ah.. i don’t feel like turning 14…nah…

nuff said.