A very personal blog


nakuuu!! kanina pa ko exyted umuwi! malay ko ba kung bakit… pero now that i’m home let’s get over with this soon… lam nyo ba.. la lng… ang boring kasi ng araw na to.. first period pa lng gusto ko na umuwi… i really really love geom! as in! -_-…. gets nyo dba? haynaku… i think i’ll have to update my brain with the new pentium 4 and of course of all the courses (cornehh…) upgrade my brain with 40 gb! sana man lang… may mailagay pa ko sa utak kong overloaded! —— ^^ busy ako.. making layouts…i just discovered how to make a div layer semi-transparent! hehe.. it a matter of filters kasi eh… share: via css po to… filter: alpha(opacity=50); <— there! supports internet explorer browser ONLY.. mozilla, netscape etc… codes varies don't ask me…