click to watch official trailer |
i'm think i'm gonna write more on the experience and less on the movie so as not to spoil you, but as early as now i want you to know that if you're planning to watch Transformers: Age of Extinction in 4DX, YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED WITH THE EXPERIENCE. Plus, if it's your first time watching Transformers, you won't need to catch up on the previous 3 installments.
The event was sponsored by NuffnangPh and KitKat, and aside from the movie, they also provided us dinner and a crazy loot bag!
dinner at Quiznos!
when i opened the bag i just fell in love. so much thanks! haha
The 3D Experience.
the first scenes were notably breathtaking in 3D so i was soooo freaking amazed! after all it was a real 3D movie, shot in real digital 3D cameras, and none of those pesky converted, post-produced 2D movies. >XS
The Chairs.
they're big, comfortable, high, and have foot rests! and when they start to react to the movie by gearing sideways, and vibrating (for chase scenes and open fires), in fairness i felt sleeepy! IT'S LIKE A MASSAGE CHAIR! the only thing missing are those rollers driving up and down your spine hahaha!
The Sensory Effects: when the scene is set on a cold, snowy place, you'll feel the place is getting colder too! haha the smoke effect is also cool but the smell isn't so nice haha. sometimes there were jets of air too. basta everything was so fuuun! >XD
The Price:
i watched it for free so i can't really say if spending Php 450 will be worth the burn in my wallet. i personally am not an avid movie goer and these types of experiences, i consider a luxury already. BUT, putting myself in the shoes of someone who loves watching movies in cinemas, the 200% price difference from watching regular 2D movies might be steep, but for the added value of 3D, motion chairs, and sensory effects, Php 450 is actually surprisingly affordable pa. An IMAX 3D movie costs Php 350 so what's Php 450 diba? >XD
The Location:
This 4DX Cinema is located at Central Square Building, Bonfiacio High Street, Taguig City. You can buy tickets over at, just look for those labeled with "3D/4DX".
That's it! Great experience overall! >XD