
Monday, January 11, 2010


i have 2 new SETS of pens!!!! that's 40 multicolored pens to waste on my excessive doodling and to add to my ever growing colored pens collection! wahahaha! thank you so much brian!!! so now i've got around 7 sets of pens.... 4 felt tips, 2 metallics, and 1 gel. HAHAHA such a pen freak. anything i could use to draw colorfully makes my heart skip a bit, really! wahahaha lovely day!

onto this day, so earlier i mentioned i finished reading a book... i'm still fantasizing about my own Luke Brandon, arrogant, handsome, well-built, and rich! though me being a financial journalist (let alone, a journalist) is in the least of my career choices, i still wanna meet someone like him and fall in love! yeah, there's something undeniably irresistible with the arrogant-handsome-well-built-and-rich package that just takes me away, and guess what? it's not about love at all.

it's all about security. yeah, but that's just me. i mean, it's one thing to cuddle up with someone and feel safe. it's also one thing to talk intelligently to your partner; current events, showbiz, nat geo and discovery channel and LAUGH. then it's also one thing not to worry about money. it's kinda perfect the way i imagine it to be hahaha

so onto school...

we didn't have classes at data structures awhile ago so our teacher just let us play and browse the internet hehehe. rizlife (life and works of rizal) was kinda boring, but i guess i can tolerate it. why, i have no girl friends. then, webdev3! gaaaawd, sometimes i wish my teacher would stop praising me, it's embarassing! he was my C++ teacher so he knows me pretty well.  if only he knew how much i sucked at arrays in java programming and that i passed an unoriginal project, maybe he'd quit venerating me and my honest-to-goodness RAW programming skills. yes it's flattering but not really worth boasting around in the 'outside world'. he keeps mentioning my surname telling my classmates how good i am, that there are only a few good female programmers around **, i wish i could sink in my seat and disappear. it also adds to the list of expectations i must live up to. i couldn't disappoint this teacher, not when he's so proud of me. hello, stress, we meet again!!!

** - i never believed this one. i'm never really a good programmer. i mean, if you were here, you'd think life is too easy.

anyway. i'm kind of dreading wednesday because i have only one subject and it's filitwo (filipino 2). it runs for 4 freaking hours and i'm afraid of being friendless, my filione friends are all in a different section. i'm kind of hoping majorcrush is there, but i'm also sort of wishing otherwise. i have to have friends first. i need friends to spend the breaks with. nooooo, i hate being a loner. :(

blow me away

chick lit still owns me, after all. it's the only genre i could finish reading in a single sitting. actually i've just finished reading Confessions of a Shopaholic (ebook) and i liked it! well, writers of this genre have the same style, which makes it easier for us readers to just grab a book by the shelf and not worry about getting uncomfortable (and bored) with unique sentence structures... blah blah blah, weirdly i get affected by stuff like that. i don't even care if people think i'm reading books for the dumb... well it makes me laugh, no other book can make me laugh like i do with flicks. hahaha anyway, i'm a sucker for romance, especially when reading chick lits wahahahaha because it always seems comedic and romantic at the same time. lol my giddy hormones are erupting like crazy on the last part of the book where Rebecca and Luke was dating. wahahaha

Luke Brandon, is such a handsome name for a guy. fares almost like Clayton Westmoreland from Whitney My Love (Judith McNaught). those types of names just get automatically associated with multi-million companies and luxury cars right? whew. rich sounding names!

right. i have a class in one and a half hour.
and when i get back i'll download the sequel. haha

Sunday, January 10, 2010

well, i think so.

the fight is never between the heart and the brain. it's just the brain all along. do you forget your wife when you get a heart transplant? no. then maybe love is just a state of mind. but above that, i'd like to think love is a state of our soul, not just our mind. i want to take it to a spiritual level but i can never tell. i mean, God loves us, and i'm not even sure if he has a tangible brain with hyperactive neurons racing past.  

hmm, i think it's more on the soul though. but whatever, me thinking about it only makes it harder for me to pick a candidate for *sigh* matrimony. LOL 

love is a beautiful thing to talk about... philosophically, not romantically. :P i've never talked about it this much. h
ahaha i'm not even half in love. wahahaha

ruled by expectations

school starts tomorrow! hello third term! i promise to do better this term, academically. haha i figured i'm facing much bigger responsibilities now than i have back in uplb. for one, everyone expects me to be the same old A- student, if not A+. it's hard to live a life ruled by others' expectations, but somehow, it can't be helped. it's my choice whether i'd bend into their demands or not. but the consequences are grave if i don't (i.e. shame). i'm not worrying about it though, because what they demand of me is the same thing i demand of myself every single day. their expectations are no different from mine, which makes it easier to bear. they expect me to be smart? i WANT to be smart. they expect to see my name on the list of scholars? i WANT to see my name there. they expect me to be a math whiz just like my dad? i WANT to be a math whiz, more than my dad hahaha. so it's not anymore a matter of what THEY expect me to be, but of WHAT i expect myself to become as well.

i know how hard it is to be expected something i can't give, it withers my optimism to death. everyday i want to be smarter, i want to learn more, i want to excel and rise above the rest because it's the only way i can regain the cognitive sense i've lost when i was in uplb. my self-esteem was murdered there, everyday i'm at the bottom of the academic ladder. i was made to think that everyone else is smarter, better, stronger and has higher IQ. it's a place where elite minds meet, and not say hi to each other hehe.

but besides the academic stress, i could never forget the place cos it's where i met truly exceptional personalities. people with so much sense i could go on talking to them for hours about anything at all. these people made me realize that's it's not all about IQ. i met people who are as academically challenged as i was, and they were the best people i've ever talked to.

whenever i tell stories to my feu-fern friends of how much i was a delinquent before, they wouldn't believe me. they never thought i had failed so much before. but i did. hahaha the most depressing semester of my uplb life was when i failed 14 out of 20 units i took that sem. almost got kicked out of school. but that was the past, and i'm trying to erase overwrite all the bad records i gathered for 3 years hehehehe

lol, i'm playing candy cruncher so i'll stop here.

the graveyard book - neil gaiman ++ colorgenics profile

it was a very interesting read! even though it took me months to finish it cos i could hardly finish a book in a single sitting nowadays, the interest was sustained. >:D

i could imagine this book being turned into a movie. hahaha [spoiler alert] --- i liked the book because the narration of the setting is so vivid, it also helped that it's illustrated, i could imagine the old graveyard, the hill, the sneer, i can even roughly sketch the characters based on the book. anyway, the story was cool.. LOL i can't explain it... the ending was sad though... >:( but it's ok cos it's what added to the story's distinct charm. it was written for kids so hurray for me not having to grab a dictionary or do some serious context clues-ing!

on another note, here's something i tried at:

my Colorgenics profile:

You are tending to pursue your objectives with concentrated intensity and it would seem that whatever obstacles may come into your path, you will stick to your guns and will not allow yourself to be deflected from your purpose. You are striving to achieve recognition and what is more - you deserve it.

You are very talented, imaginative and sensitive but you are holding back as you do not really like going it 'on your own'. In preference you would like to team up with someone, someone with similar attributes as your own, to explore - to seek out and go perhaps 'where no other man has trod before'. It is the unusual that attracts you and which will give you a sense of excitement and adventure.

You are a rather inhibited sort of person. This could be the result of your upbringing or of your schooling, whatever. You are able to obtain satisfaction from various forms of physical or emotional activity but all in all you are inclined to be emotionally withdrawn. As a consequence of this you find it difficult to sustain any deep involvement.

It is said that we are all influenced by our environment and indeed you are no exception. It would seem at this time that even though you may be surrounded by people, you are experiencing an inner loneliness. Fortunately you are sufficiently strong minded to realise that life has a great deal to offer you and that you may miss your share of experiences if you fail to make the best use of every opportunity. You therefore pursue your objectives with a fierce intensity and are prepared to commit yourself deeply and readily. You believe that whatever you would like to do or think 'you can do' - you do! It is because of this attitude that you may be considered by others as arrogant and even conceited, but its fair to say that whatever it is that you really want out of life you will put your heart and soul into it and will not take 'NO' for an answer.

The fear that you may not be able to fulfil or realise all of your ambitions makes you work and play hard. The thought of being prevented from achieving the things you want leads you to play your part with frantic fervour.

Friday, January 8, 2010

biyaya daw

haha! saw this one lurking at one of my batchmate's folders. LOL this picture was taken, uhm 2nd year higschool  (2 biyaya... yata?) .. reminds me how i'm such a dork back then.... and how much i used to hate that year. hehehe but i've moved on! and forgiven her, see the gap? yeah.

2nd year highschool was... the worst out of the four years. i remember having an enemy. i also remember our class splitting into two... ah ok nevermind. labo


// LOL i could only wish! i almost forgot to blur the 'Publish to ***'s Wall', imagine the shame if i actually posted it without checking. WAHAHAHA, fail photo of the year.

// shit. there you go again. i sooooo hate you! don't you fucking try flirting me with cos if it's you, it's not flattering, IT'S HORRIFYING. you simply disgust me.

sorry! not because of what i think of you, but because i hate what i'm becoming when i think of you. i become an evil person.