
Thursday, January 1, 2009

goals and more wishes for this year

i wasn't consistent with my 101 wishlist last year, i wasn't able to finish listing in a day...and by the time i got over it, i've got around 150+ wishes laid down. and now i want to focus only on those which are high priority and also add a couple of goals i must achieve this year. i'm not a fan of new year resolutions.

goal #1: stop eating too much. maintain a daily food allowance and never ever spend too much on food.

goal #2: for the rest of the semester, visit the swimming pool twice or thrice a week.

goal #3: get in shape, shed off the excess fats. large ---> medium, that's the goal. also counts as wish #1.

goal #4: avoid going online when not needed. maximum of 2 visits per week.

goal #5: read lots and lots of books/novels this year. 1 book per month is already good enough if not hard to maintain. ok, 1 book per month it is.

wish #2: save save save save

wish #3: for the panel, dean and college secretary to be kinder to transferees this year.

yo, that's all for now. :D

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

higschool: a social jungle

highschool, for me, is just a place where you get to pick your own set of forever-friends. perhaps there are only two things i liked about highschool

i. my friends
ii. the pride that goes along with graduating from an all-girls sectarian school, like everybody thinks you're rich and sosyal and all those junk that would not really pay off in college

besides that, it's full of crap.

you'll meet real-life tupperwares, walking machine-guns and many many legged serpents.

oh, of course highschool isn't all bad for me, i learned a lot of things too and the most important of them is this:

WEAR YOUR SOCKS LOW. there's no logic to back this up. first year, first week of classes... i volunteered to answer a math problem on the board and before ushering me back to my seat, my teacher reprimanded me in front of the class that my socks were too high. ;_; i was shattered that day, i felt like the most jologs person in class because all of them have ankle socks. what a good way to blow off an 11 yr old's idea of self-image.

influence and good-looks are the only principals needed to get out unscathed in a social jungle called highschool. a little bit of brains would do, but it should never outdo your looks in any way.

there's a different exit for those who use their brains too much.

i love highschool.

finally, a room that feels like a room

a place where i can lock myself in, a place with internet connection, privacy, and a big bed. :D

yes! :D i've finally redesigned my room in preparation for next school year. lol. i am THAT excited to turn my room into an art den, but i don't have enough freedom yet because i still share my room with my sister during nighttime because our parents use her room since their room is not conducive for resting because it's facing the street. whatever.

anyhow. with the help of my uncle, we've transferred the study table inside my room. i've been begging my mom to relocate that long table but we didn't have enough manpower then. and now that it's here, i'm happy! :D bwahahaha at least i can stop pestering my parents. weeeeee XD

and because my mom is so concerned that we'd ruin the floor when we drag the chair in and out of the desk, she wants us to buy rolling chairs, yknow those office chairs with wheels. i wonder how much that's gonna cost. anyway... fine. XD

i'm preparing my friends gifts right now, mom says she'll be giving me half of my christmas bonus on saturday so i'm counting on that. regarding our highschool reunion though, i'm not sure if i can come...depends on the availability of a free ride and of course my friends' who's coming.

happy new year! :D

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


CLICK TO ZOOM! (nazoo-zoom ba? -_-) please, celebrate with me! bwahahaha

i've finished the advanced level of MINESWEEPER (16x30 tile grid; 99 mines)! oo, that's what i've been knocking my brains for since christmas break started (besides dish-washing). lol ok... to save you from a mouse click, here's what's written on my "congratulatory" mini pop-up window:

you have the fastest time for this difficulty level

Time: 465 seconds (7.75mins)
Best Time: 465 seconds
Games Played: 121
Games Won: 1
Percentage: 0%
Date: 12/30/08

XD i'm not sure if i'm fast enough, but i'll work hard on it. i want to be faster next time! haha, as if it's gonna help me rule the world. ;____;

if you notice though, i've played 121 times and won only once. err, that should sound ^__^;; it doesn't matter how many times you've lost, in the end what's gonna count is the number of times you triumphed over something. a single victory is enough to flood a thousand failures.

little by little i'm going to increase the number of tiles (max: 24x30; 668 mines) until...well, until i become a master minesweeper! XD *insert hysterical geeky snort here*

thank you for bearing with this entry.
cheers? ^^;

PS: advanced happy new year!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

a son who doesn't know basic sports etiquette and a father who just watches him boast his ugly upbringing; whoever voted for these scums?

i was taken to THIS PAGE via a link at my friend's multiply. it tells of how mayor nasser pangandaman jr. along with his bodyguards beat up a defenseless 56-year-old man and his 14-year-old son at a golf club in antipolo. the entry was written by the daughter of the victim who witnessed the whole event.

this is not the first time i heard of news regarding politicians beating up defenseless people over a very small matter (which is usually caused by the overly egoistic politician), but this is the first time it struck me really bad. maybe because i didn't hear it from the news first, but from a more credible source -- a family member of the victim. as i was reading her blog entry, my heart was sinking deeper and deeper at the violent turnout of events.

i never liked politics. i never wanted to involve myself in it, even in the smallest ways like debates with a political theme and such. no, you can never count on me to be updated with who's leading on the senatorial elections. i never cared because if i did, i would be always be up against them and that's an effort that will always be rendered futile. that's why i chose to be just silent and unknowing, in other words, safe.

hope they die early and rot in hell!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

mahirap pala

i'm just taking up around 1/2 of our maid's duties and i'm already very tired. i couldn't imagine how else tired she gets when it's her turn to tend to the whole house. i do all the dish-washing, plus 50% cooking (i share the other half with my mom who is also my supervisor). some of the rest: pressing and folding of delivered laundry goes to my sister (because i don't like it). my dad does the gardening, watering of plants and harvesting of crops/plants to be cooked. my mom does the sweep and mop combo when we're asleep and orders me around in the kitchen.

i never realized that ate wilma does a hell lot in a day. :( now i appreciate her more than ever. :)


finally T__T;

after looooong hours of editing and editing and polishing every detail, i can finally say i'm done with this layout (at least for now).

i was pretty much contented with the previous layout of this page but i just realized that Gecko and Fly's comments link isn't working (or at least the codes put in --- maybe it's not for blogger). and so i tried installing a third party comment system -- haloscan -- but it won't work still. haloscan has an automatic install wizard for blogger (and they fkn don't have a manual install instruction page as a fail-safe, shouldn't this be a SOP?) but when i uploaded the file they won't let me publish it "as it is not well-parsed blah blah blah"

so i had to tear down the whooooole thing and start from scratch, specifically from a raw Minima layout. i did my best to preserve the original look, sans the horizontal navbar because everytime i do it on my own, they get misaligned in other browsers.

aaaand, because i'm a perfectionist when it comes to this kind of thing, i didn't leave the PC (well, i did go on eating plus dish-washing breaks) until i'm sure everything's set. misaligned stuff is my major pet peeve when it comes to making layouts.