
Friday, December 26, 2008


WARNING: in the rare case that you're part of sixtreme, hate mails are welcome:

i was checking my mail like usual and landed on our batch multiply because there was some announcement regarding yet another reunion. not that i'm hyped up about it, i guess i'm not that close to my highschool batchmates after all (except for my barkada).

honestly though, i feel like i was my most hateful self during those times. it just means that i hated a lot of people back then. maybe it's because i'm too young, or maybe it's because i settled at the bottom part of the social ladder for the most part. it's a nasty complex suicidal highschool nerds tend to undergo, not that i'm a nerd in some way...or suicidal at the least.

ok let's leave that.

back to the picture, i know this is bit tooooo late. that picture was taken during our batch's first reunion (around may 2007 i guess). i wasn't there because i have summer classes... no.

okay, i guess i can't remember my reason.

anyhow, i don't know how they came up with that award but the first time i read it i felt an ugly hateful sting in my heart (or somewhere near. like i could actually let myself be that affected). i felt really bad and hurt that that's how they put the evident lack of attendance of our group. it's like going to a freakin highschool reunion is a barkada effort [roight! and if i narrow this down i would have to reiterate my ridiculous entry about stereotypes and how much they affect a growing teen's 'youth']. i could probably take being part of "Barkada ni Inez" but the award ('Mukhang Excited talaga kayo at Complete' AWARD) i could not swallow. it was the most sarcastic thing in the world (for me).

don't pacify me, i am nowhere near indulging in fits.

as much as that freakin certificate hurt me, i guess my friends' smiling faces in the background would calm me down a bit. who knows about the other awards? if they're as sarcastic then maybe i can laugh this thing off.

PS. i think the next reunion would fall on january 3. and i also think that it falls on the same date as our barkada's post-christmas party. perfect! then this must mean that we're going to get the same award for two consecutive 'big' reunions. only, no one would receive the damned certificate for us. unless majority in our group would suggest we just go there in lieu of a xmas party, dmn i would be extremely hesistant then.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


so it was high-time for tradition to take place again. :)

we went to my lola's house at veterans to celebrate christmas like usual, we were the first ones to arrive so we get to chill out a bit. then more and more people came, the room got jam-packed, it would seem a struggle to reach my bed-ridden lola with so many people trying to claim their space in the room. XD

it was fun looking at our family. we've grown so big over the years, most of my cousins are already happily married with kids... :) lol XD, yeah and i'm still struggling through my bachelor's degree. ;_;

there were just so many kids! :) it made me nostalgic. i was once like them, parading around my uncles to collect gifts, falling in line when a generous uncle suddenly feels like giving away a hundred pieces of mint condition 50 pesoses (??). lol it was really fun getting to hang out with my relatives. XP makes me feel so old.

i ate a lot too. biofit has to work double time this day. :-\

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

bored T__T;

it's christmas and i'm bored!!! i've got to be kidding myself.
well, apparently i'm not. that's why i copied theeeeese from a friend's journal. >:D

01. What are your nicknames?
Arianne, yan,

02. How do you style your hair?
it's usually tied up in a ponytail

03. What's new in your life right now?
it's christmas and i'm bored

04. How many colors are you wearing now?
green and red

05. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

06. What are you doing while filling out this meme?
listening to the guitar version of say u love me (iswak)

07. Do you nap a lot?

08. If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do?

09. Is there anything that has made you really happy these days?

10. What's your favorite dessert?
ice cream, cake, crepes, macaroni salad... i love desserts XD

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
20-30 mins

12. What websites do you visit daily?
this, gmail, multiply

13. What was the last book you finished reading?
this question is highly guilt tripping. T___T; i think it's judith mcnaught's whitney my love

14. How did you end up with your blogger name?
i just copied my LJ username. actually, when i was thinking of a livejournal username i wanted something that shortens as, live junk.

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
say u love me from it started with a kiss OST

16. What's the last DVD you bought?
full metal alchemist

17. Have you ever done anything not many people have?
uuuhhh... idk

18. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
coffe crumble (from selecta), mocha (from nestle)...err.. anything coffee hehe

19. What's the last movie you watched?
one true love

20. What is your greatest fear?
idrk, but most of the time i feel deadly jitters when i think of car crashes. :/


1. Do you have secrets?
just like everyone else

2. Would you fall in love with a girl/guy younger than you?
i don't think so

3. Do you enjoy going to school?
err, no. but i enjoy seeing my friends at school

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
pray that it's not fake, pay all of our existing depts, renovate our house and my parents' office, buy a van for my family, buy a condo unit for myself + a car, buy my sister a car too, buy everything my lolas need, donate to charity institutions, get a starbucks franchise, get a year off with my family and travel around the world, invest the rest.

woa. i love this question. it got me hyped up.

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
no, we're both girls.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

7. List out your 15 favourite songs:
gosh. i don't think i have favorite songs. T___T; they vary from time to time... ^^;

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
idk. move on..

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
family and friends! :D and money too

10. What makes you angry?
slooooooooooow net speed, though i'm getting used to it now.

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
firmly established.

12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
family and friends of course

13. What is the most important thing in life?
knowing your purpose and doing things that make you happy.

14. Single or attached?

15. What is your favourite colour?

16. Would you give all in a relationship?

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
yes i would, but it would be hard to forget though

19. What do you want to tell the person you like?
hehehehe, i may never have the chance to tell you this but your idiosyncrasies fascinate me a lot. and your level of spirituality struck me too


Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.

1. my worst habit (next to procastination) is nail biting. i have the ugliest fingernails too.

2. i'm a perfectionist when it comes to designing my own layout, but once i see that it's misaligned in other browsers, i give up (because i don't know how to fix that) ;_;

3. blogging has been part of my lifestyle for 4 years now

4. i cannot tolerate too much dirt/mess in the house (esp in the apartment), that's why i'm always the first one to clean. idk but it's getting tiring already.

5. i like watching good anime series

6. i'm planning on putting up an online stalking agency where my clients could hire us to investigate on someone's internet habits and report it to them, of course for a cost.

7. i want to be part of the college varsity

8. i want to learn computer programming. sometimes i'm wondering why i'm not taking up computer science instead.

9. i love to draw. i want to be a national artist someday.

10. i want my own art exhibit

11. my favorite local male celebrity is Ryan Agoncillo

12. on the other hand, i hate Judy Ann Santos

13. nerds fascinate me.

14. as well as yaoi anime (drift with me?)

15. i can't paint

16. idk, but i cannot tolerate spending a lot on my clothes, and i also don't bother updating them. in fact, my wardrobe has long been outdated by my gadgets. ^_^;


my life pretty much sucks right now. it's christmas! why am i rotting inside the house with the internet! i think this is too sad, to actually spend everyday of my christmas break online, like my social life suddenly died on me right when i need it the most.

there's nothing quite special to look forward to this christmas aside from the usual family reunion. other than that, i guess i have next year to count for more surprises. i wanted to go out to the mall, but i don't really have business there aside from wanting to eat at yoshinoya (which isn't as valid either). >__>;

before my mom broke my fantasies, i was looking forward to vacationing at bicol where my lola is. i BADLY wanted to go there because i'm getting sick of urban living, i want to see my lola, my uncles, see the Mayon volcano, splurge at DJC, walk by the seashore, pick up shells... blah. T__T; but you see, mom told us we might not be going there after all. >__>; sucks.

hey. finally, i've found a sleeping pill that is being sold without prescription. it's called Sleepasil and costs around 12 pesos/capsule. :) hehe nothing, really. just in case you're a recovering insomniac like me, you might find this useful.

woa. our neighbor literally took care of our pang media-noche! awhile ago, after cooking lunch, they delivered us a bowl of menudo, a bowl of something nice (i don't know what it's called), and a plateful of fried chicken. amazing. XP and seconds after, they came back with a tray (yaaaah! like 15x10 inches big) of buko salad.

haaaay, i so love our neighbors! XD haha