
Thursday, August 18, 2005

exam week is over!

but that doesn't end my stressful year...-_-;;
we're supposed to be on a holiday tomorrow but we were called for a practice in granwood club house, whole day!
sigh... the demands of 4th year... haha
grr... i'm having problems with the contractible headers script... it looks like what i said about me being satisfied with this layout is a lie...
but anyway i've spent a lot on going to this net cafe to update and research on er... stuff, so i think i'll just wait for the $%*(&%@&* phone to return to normal...

stupid PLDT!

whew. i know i don't have the best voice in school but i do hope i'm going to pass the eco song fest audition... ^^;;

i need the extra curricular grades!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

the bitch

ugghh.. guess who? what a day spoiler... -_-;;

chris columbus earned over $10 million directing HP while mike newell earned ONLY $1 million as director of HP GoF... wotcher!

new layout!

yay! at last i managed to produce something productive this day. the truth is i prioritised finishing this layout over studying for the tests tomorrow, which is not a good example to kids out there...

it's blue as you can see and so far i'm satisfied. i made it blue coz i really like the beach picture up there and insisting the reds won't do good so i went for it's compliments... what do you think?

i didn't take me too long to finish this one because i just edited my joker layout (if u remember) and changed the image and some properties, but it did take me some time to settle with the image up there... i've made a lot of versions of that already and that was, so far, the best i can manage. =)

that's all.

i'm still obsessed over harry X draco. can't help smiling at their image forming in my head. well.. mind you these are decent images. -_~

tom felton in still stuck in my head, and i love it.

Monday, August 15, 2005

still no phone line!!!!

it's been more than a week since we last had our telephones working. actually i don't care about incoming and outcoming calls... i care about the internet connection... how sad... =( but anyway... if there's a will then there's a way...
oh lemme change that... if there's a crave then there's a way! haha

whew. right now i wanna eat... cinnamon or maki and coffee. mehn... i'm an addict. yeah...that gave me an idea.. maybe my next layout would be related to addiction...

you know, it's our quarterly exams today... so we're half-day but i'm too lazy to study math, cl (i think i'm failing this one) and computer so i'll guess i have to put them off just for the meantime and try to have some liesure. =)

well well... too many things have happened over the past few days... both boring and wierd...

i have noticed. i'm being fond of a lot of my schoolmates lately. to me it's not a crush... more of i-just-want-to-stare-at-you-coz-you-remind-me-of-someone feeling. gotcha? i know... sounds somewhat serious but it's nothing, really. i think i can't find myself someone to think of... someone i like not because he reminds me of someone... blech... it's hard to admit i'm missing someone... gaaahh stupid.


wotcher. hopeless romantic.

wow.. have a new expression... wotcher!
haha.. got that from tonks! =)

wow. i'm fighting the urge of reading hp6 while studying. big big distraction. but in the end i still read it...=\ hehe...

my my... i'm getting a lot harry X draco lately... love it.

wotcher folks!

Friday, August 5, 2005

pray for me!

tomorrow i'll be taking the UPCAT... my schedule is 12:30 at Palma Hall, it's not like i want you to stalk me! hehe... i just want you to include me in your prayers... i mean, i'm not dead... you know what i want. =)

please pray for me coz i know that's the best you can do... for me =)

i really don't know what tips to take! i've heard a lot already, dark chocolate, peanuts, no meat, sleep early *winks*, mint, mozart... nada blah nada blahh...

you see... i'm actually planning on taking all those... hehe... well not all but a lot of those...

*sigh* should i study now? before going to sleep?
i bet not... i wanna have a good good sleep...
then after the UPCAT... gimik! as if pumasa na diba?

sure we're tired after the test... umupo ka banaman ng mejo anim na oras, nakayuko, sumasagot ng mga tanong...?! we still deserve a consolation!

MALL for me is not just a place where you can buy stuff, spend money and eat... it's a COMFORT ZONE!

soo.... go mall!
getting giddy.

my my... our PC has just been reformatted... not nice! i have to reinstall a lot of programs... i don't have my y!m, my photoshop, my limewire and my microsoft reader!
all i have is this browser....

but the good thing is... we have an antivirus! yay!

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

how bout... study for the entrance tests?

i'm so bad... i have not taken any serious self-review with regards to the CATs! i'm so... well... lazy!

but you know... i stayed up this late to help finish our project, which is, FYI a cd-format website due tomorrow. cool, huh? well... tiresome, yes.
it's ten... i'm not sleepy! maybe because i drank a mocha crystal shake awhile ago in zagu (i actually prefer caffe latte but they went out of stock and they have no pearls left so they gave me crystals...) and ate nerds and well, forgot to ate dinner.

anyway... i think i'm going to flunk english...=(
my comexes are getting lower and lower and lower and... my grammar is getting wierder and wierder and weirder... like this...

when i talk to someone and im not sure of the grammar...
"hey, what did you win or won?"
how stupid is that?
"you know, it's always... she or her?"
urgghh... i'm annoyed at myself. ~_-

come on, i'd rather die. turn me into a fly and kill me with a flyswatter! *knocks on wood 3x*

i'm sooo.. pathetic.. i don't know what to put in my write-up! i almost failed this comex! like.. who the hell is arianne anyway?
oh yes, i love to draw! everybody knows that, but i'm not the only one who loves to draw!
i want something unique... something that when people read it they'll know that it's me... and the only thing that comes to my mind is...

my short nails, my super duper short nails plus my bad habit of nailbiting.

heh! i don't want to be remembered as a nail-biting freak or the girl who's afraid to do panunumpa and panatang makabayan coz her nails are too short...

oh my... save my sanity please...
now you know why i always want to be in the back during flag cem.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


i think i'm bored... or am i just too lazy to do things?
if i'm bored then that means i have nothing to do and i want to do something... but in this case i have a lot of things to do but i'm not doing them which leaves me with nothing to do and yes i want to do something but i want to exclude schoolworks from that... and schoolworks are the only thing left for me to do.

ok. i'm lazy.
did you get me?

you know what... i auditioned for the song group in pinoi... actually i'm already listed in research but in case, by some miracle, i passed song... i'll be in song.
oh, and that was the very first audition i had in my entire life. hehe.

mehn. i'm kind of lazy to update my fic... actually i was just waiting for 10 reviews per chapter and now that i got them, i know i should be making the next chapter but unfortunately, i'm not seeing much of itachi right now so there are no ideas coming in...

and right now i'm planning to write a harry potter fic. HPDM of course.

blech. my life is sooo boring.