
Thursday, November 28, 2024

Back to Blogger

Alright I'm finally back from Wordpress. After spending some $70 on hosting and domain, I'm back to Blogger lol.

For the past few days I've been busy migrating my Wordpress posts to Blogger. That was a hundred posts I moved MANUALLY because all of the WP → Blogger online xml converters are obsolete at this point. I mean, I may be stupid for coming back to a dying platform but really I just miss being able to control my whole blog without having to pay rent. Nevermind that behind this minimalist theme lies a deep dish of spaghetti code, at least I have full control of the theme down to the very last tag. Well maybe 90% in control because I just downloaded the theme and there are a bunch of obfuscated javascript in there that I didn't care to uncover.

Point is, I miss it here. Despite being totally forgotten by Google, I miss not having to pay for hosting and worrying about maintainance, upgrades, backups, indexing, etc. I thought being able to setup my site on a server was an adult move haha but I was a dolt for doing that. I thought that's what pro bloggers eventually end up doing lol. At the end of the day I still find it more convenient to stay here. I think it's because I understand how themes work and can code a little so I'm not too scared to mess up the xml. 

In Wordpress, every feature I want constitutes to a plugin that I have to install and update and maybe pay for. It's very convenient but also a performance risk. Back there I have a plugin for generating sitemaps, share links, back to top button, Google fonts, SEO, cloud backups, and so on! Even the whole wordpress platform gets updated once in a while and I have experienced my theme getting broken after an upgrade and that was traumatic. I didn't pay to be hassled like this. Everything is plugin based. At Blogger, everything is code based. Which I know makes it difficult for a regular user but I'm not a regular user so I like it and prefer it hehe.

Editor still sucks but other than that I'm fine.

Anyway, that's it for today for me.


To do:

  • Find a way to show the post time in AM/PM at the date link title

And hey I can do emoticons again! This thing breaks Wordpress 👎.

