A very personal blog

Month: June 2024

  • Waiting

    I’m just here waiting anxiously for one of my automations to kick off. Then I can finally start working on my other task haha. Do you get how I feel? Like I can’t start anything else if I’m anxious about something to finish haha. Oh wait it’s done. All good! Now let’s work… I just…

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  • Relief

    It’s been a little over two weeks since my scar tissue was removed. My surgeon says he was able to extract a lot of fibrosis so I should be able to progress better now. Unfortunately my staples got infected so it was very painful to bend it because the knee around the staples gets stretched.…

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  • Life Lately

    Last week was so incredibly busy next thing we know it’s already Sunday and the weekend is over! Aaaah! Monday – grocery run, tried the newly opened Thai restaurant at Estancia, it was okay. Then went to the bank to hopefully sign some docs, but the papers aren’t available yet so we just went home.…

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