
Monday, April 18, 2016

Virtual users

Ten minutes to go before we resume training. But this time, I'm not the one being trained. I'm posing as an understudy so I can take on tomorrow's class. Amazing. I never thought this day would come, not that I dream of it, that my role in the team is stepping up to not just minding my own business but teaching potential teammates too.

It's quite a deal for me, not big, but a deal nonetheless. If anything, I want to tick off bullet after bullet on that friggin' competency framework chuchu the management invented to make it harder (or easier, haven't checked) for us to get promoted. It's pretty stressful, but if I don't make myself cut out for the next step by next year, well, there's jobstreet and the end of my bond. If you know what I mean ;)

Virtual users is just one of the terms we're teaching on this class.